The Sixth Ninja


I'd say that the issue is that superheroes have taken the blockbuster film mantle from action heroes, and thus they're trending toward the broader, more crowd-pleasing, and less challenging depictions of the stories. Hell, this is what's happened to Star Trek as well!

The Incredibles feels like it was created by a comic book fan (I can't say), so I don't think it's familiarity with the stories that's the problem… there's tons of crap in every genre, be it sci-fi or fantasy or police procedurals. Why should superhero works be any different?

I give Batman Returns points for insanity, but its dialogue is so terrible and groan-inducing, excepting Pfeiffer's delicious introductory "Meow" — the one high point of that film.

I'm warming up to it, but as a kid the first Batman was a huge disappointment to me. Bruce and Batman were ponderous and often passive, Batman was stiff instead of dynamic (blame the costume), the Joker didn't seem, well, Joker-y, the big setpieces lacked suspense and thrills… and so many Prince songs! Visually it


I love Batman, but I'm getting sick of this "Batman always wins coz he's Batman" crap. Of course, you're just kidding here… I think?

There are plenty of interesting Superman stories, not just in the comics but the DCAU. It's not just the character, it's the world. Hell, Flash is way overpowered but his show is working very well. And Morpheus is more powerful than Supes, yet the Sandman was a fascinating read.

It would be a good fight, for sure. I think Diana would win, as she's more creative… they've both got good heads for fighting tactics, but Thor's a bit more straightforward.

I live in the Philippines. It's not as bad as you think it is! I wouldn't want to be in that water either, though. It's the tropics….

Saul is not Lockhart. We've seen him put aside personal baggage in the pursuit of a long-reaching national security goal many times… and if Dar Adal, as he claims, has essentially neutralized Haqqani as a threat, Saul may very well see that as the best possible outcome he could hope for under the circumstances, short

You don't buy Saul just going along with it? It's not all that different from the deal he made with Javadi. Well, Javadi was a CIA asset whom they blackmailed into that role, but he was as villainous as Haqqani, so Saul is no stranger to pragmatic deals with unsavory characters.

Maybe they haven't made a mini series because… well, think of the end of Doomsday Book! Can anyone bear to watch that? Reading it was soul crushing enough! Fantastic book, though, I agree.

Read Richmond Lattimore's translation of the New Testament from the original Greek. Or at least The Four Gospels and the Revelation that he did. I read that one and it make the story of Jesus a more fablelike, mythic narrative that I quite enjoyed. Not the whole Bible, but it's a start.

Mother Night is one of his best, and it centers on a character who briefly appears in Slaughterhouse Five, making it a natural follow up. It's different in its approach, but no less powerful. Darkly enchanting.

A green-skinned warrior chick from outer space?

But "narrative that never seems to go anywhere" is an apt description of the book! (Which I love.)

It aired way back in February, but New Girl's "Exes" needs a mention. And man, I've missed a lot of comedy TV. This is the worst thing that’s ever happened to me. I’ve led a very fortunate life.

I enjoyed Archer Vice, but I think the show slightly ruined Pam by bringing her too much into the forefront… she's a wonderful character but I think she works better in a supporting role (I also feel that way about Cheryl and Krieger). And Malory aside, they're all acting like they're equals now, and it feels wrong.

If you're mentioning Arrow, why not The Flash? Sure, it's a mite cornball, but it's so delightful.