The Crawling Chaos

Hell, he hasn't made a good wine since 1983.

As always…

'in a voice that is identifiably July's own'.

I guess the publicity didn't do them much good, huh?
El Bulli restaurant closing, might reopen in 2014 as cookery college:

See also: 'full of amusing, lovely little moments' ,and 'July is being stalked by her favorite comfy shirt'. After reading that, I really want to see some robots beating the crap out of each other.

This sounds much better than I thought
From seeing the trailer, it looked like a pretty typical twee comedy - look at the funny Oirish people! They've never seen a black man before, and they're all whimsical and quirky and shit!

This would be a good thing
I'd be more interested in seeing this than the Led Zeppelin reunion. No kidding.

About half of those films are pretty good or better, either Pauline Sarris be trollin', or has decided that if something isn't to her personal taste, that makes it a bad movie. Only about four or five genuinely bad movies have won Best Picture: Cimarron, Cavalcade, The Greatest Show on Earth, Crash, maybe a couple of

Consett, County Durham
Don't know why they're bothering with ads for this in Consett. The whole damn town is like the movie come to life. Or death. Or undeath. Or whatever.

Glad to see the cops have got around to investigating this
In other news, task force on the Jack the Ripper case say they're hoping to make an arrest 'very soon'.

Hang on a minute…
How are the middle and back parts of the human centipede going to be able to sing? Something tells me this musical just hasn't been thought through properly.

Eddie Marsan
Is both a fucking legend, and one of those guys I could never imagine being young. If nothing else, this movie proves that he didn't just spring into the world at the age of 35.

Kind of weird to think of ouija as being a normal board game
I always saw it as some kind of occult thing for summoning demons. Christmas at our house would've been much more fun if we'd played with a ouija board instead of Monopoly and Scrabble.

Nah, AVC put Hot Tub Time Machine first on this list because they don't know the difference between a pretty funny movie and a genuinely bad one. A year where this was the 16th worst movie released would be a pretty fucking good year.

I've never listened to the podcasts, and after seeing that trailer and hearing Gervais screaming with laughter at his own jokes, I can't imagine I ever would.

Never Mind The Transformers, Here's The Sex Pistols
The Rise & Fall of Shia Laboeuf and the Transformers From Mars
The Transformers Are The Village Green Preservation Society

They stopped because each mission cost about $1000000000000, and they realized that the moon is, well, a bit crap. It's a long way to go to collect a few grey-brown rocks.

The Getaway ain't The Wild Bunch, but it's a hell of a ride, one that starts at 100 miles an hour and only gets faster. It's hugely entertaining, and shows that you can do stuff for the money and still make it good, at least if you've got Steve McQueen on board.

Because the idea of Tom Cruise making out with an actual pretty young thing is increasingly gross. Diaz is one of the few actresses who's still willing to snog the creepy motherfucker.

Wolfmansrazor - as a dealer in rare books (yes, really) I am constantly amazed at the obscure shit that people buy. This, however, is probably pushing the envelope.