The Crawling Chaos

I wanted to see this, but then I saw the trailer, which made it look like the most boring, unfunny film ever. And normally I'm a complete sucker for trailers, but this one killed it for me. Maybe that was another reason the film bombed in the UK.

Fuck Poison, send the Jonas Brothers.

Very disappointed to see that it's the Branagh version, which is pretty good (but needs cutting, Ken - just because the text runs to four hours, doesn't mean you HAVE to do all of it).

Kinda sad, really. The guy started out doing Cruel Intentions, which was pretty good, and he's just been sliding towards the toilet ever since.

I saw that movie a couple of years ago, and that scene of Winfield being eaten by roaches was terrifying to a grown-up who's seen way too many horror movies. If I'd seen it at 10 years old, I think I'd be in a room with rubber walls by now.

Agreed. I've had this argument with friends a thousand times. Star Wars is a pretty good movie, as is Empire Strikes Back. But for a lot of people, if you say they're anything other than the greatest films of all time, they look at you like you're insane.

And yet, for all that this is insultingly stupid, and for all that Blu-Ray is likely going to be replaced by some even newer, even shinier tech in the near future, the nerds will lap it up, and pay whatever Lucas asks for these discs - even though they know these versions of the movies are the shitty CGI-ed to buggery

On the one hand, Duel has Steren Spielberg, a masterful use of pacing and suspense, a truly terrifying, unstoppable bad guy and some terrific desert locations.

I first read that as 'was a Druid the whole time'. Would've been a better movie.

Oh, shit Hollywood
Can you please just stop making Terminator movies already? The first two were great, but everything since has been garbage, and it's even been losing money.

Kill it!
Kill it with fire!

Must… not… rise… to… bait…

Memo to the artist formerly known as JLo
Jenny, honey, when your albums are selling in the millions and people are rushing to see your movies, producers will put up with your shit. Now that you're officially a has-been, you might want to tone down the diva behaviour a bit.

I demand Genevieve Koski's hand in marriage.

It sounds as though a good few people WANT gamers to be antisocial weirdos, and go out of their way to confirm that preconceived opinion. I'd love to know why that is. What is it about MMORPGs that offends people more than, I dunno, collecting stamps or making fantasy football leagues?

Thanks for letting me know. But could you just bag my groceries first? Thanks.

Maybe I'm wrong
But from reading this review, it looks as though the film makers started out with an agenda - gamers are sad losers - and set out to confirm that point of view through their movie. It would have been more interesting to get a genuine sample of gamers, some of them fucked up, some of them not, and see

But he's still called Davis Guggenheim. The poor bastard.

You know who should direct this?
That guy who did 'Powder' and 'Jeespers Creepers'. I bet he'd like to work with Justin Bieber.

Hardcase and Fist!