
I actually thought Gwen Stacy was an example of how they should do the "damsel in distress" character in these super hero movies without being completely sexist and being somewhat realistic… THey showed her helping Peter out using her brain while not pretending that this 90 pound girl could actually be a physical

One of my all-time favorite tv shows.

Do they still think that people won't go to see a comic book movie with a woman as the lead because of catwoman? I'm sure it had nothing to do with that movie being awful.

I'm probably the only person who would go to see a booster gold movie.

Yeah, I'm not an easy scare and those videos sincerely give me shivers.

I don't get why suicide girls is unmisogynistic? They have tattoos so that makes it alright?

My pick is a group of friends who, despite being very young, have extremely well paying jobs that manage to also sound like they wouldn't be soul crushing.

They chose "Singles Going Steady" as their #1 Pop-Punk album so I'm happy.

I have to say Howard the Duck. I never thought in a million years that they would have a sex scene in that movie… ridiculous!

I have to hand it to him for this… He's the first republican I've ever heard actually admit that he hates poor people.

Yeah, I enjoy Gems but it's not the same as listening to the whole show.

Well, I certainly didn't think you were trying to "take down" the best show. I think that dude's got issues.

Seems perfectly reasonable to me…

Yeah, I never viewed him as "Tearing down sacred cows for the sake of tearing them down" especially since his taste could run very middle of the road (Bad Company, Fleetwood Mac).

Ha ha… miller, it took me an embarrassingly long time to get that!

I know what you mean… He's ruined some dudes I really liked. For some reason his hatred of Tom Waits was so over the top that I was never able to let it bother me. On the other hand, I can't listen to The Band now without hearing Tom's voice blaring "Boring…". His dislike of George Carlin also kills me on the grounds

A.V. Clubbers who never listened to the Best Show are probably wondering what the big deal is. All I can say is you gotta listen to the archives. It's literally one of my favorite things ever.

How about talent scout for a record label?

This is actually why I stopped reading comics on a monthly basis. When one huge crossovers started leading directly into the next crossover so you didn't even get a break where you got to read the individual character storylines. I understand the short-term financial reasons but I'm sure others were turned off by this

Late Show with David Letterman