
I never understood why Jay Leno was the bad guy in that whole thing.

I don't get the idea that Leno got "privilege" from NBC. He had the #1 show in his time slot for over 10 years and yet constantly felt the need to justify why he was employment. That doesn't sound like privilege to me.

Me personally, I don't think Leno did anything wrong in either case… I mean he did what he had to do to get the job he wanted, the same as anybody. I just don't think he's funny so I don't feel like defending him.

I never understood the argument that Conan needed time to build his audience. I mean, it wasn't like he was an unknown property and he'd been a talk show host for over ten years at that point.

I'm surprised there are so few comments on this. Probably because the AV club is a bunch of dudes who never get laid.

From the description, I expected a hipster police officer hitting quirky girls.

So, making god-awful music isn't enough for him? Now he has to ruin movies too?

Don't forget after belittling Tom for not talking about "the big issues" Tom finally gives him two uninterrupted minutes to discuss whatever political thing he wants and the guy spends most of the time promoting an album he made! One of the rare occasions where I didn't feel sorry for a caller getting yelled at.

I really can't recommend it highly enough. I know that sounds intimidating but keep in mind:
A) It's a radio show so you can do other stuff while you listen.
B) You don't have to listen to every one.

Favorite "Best Show" moments…

if that illustration was a high school art project, I'd give it a B-.

Man, bad year for movies.

Am I the only one who clicked on this because they saw the photo and thought "young harrison ford?"

Yeah, Simpsons were pretty controversial when they first came out. It's strange considering that now it's viewed as one of the smartest shows in TV history, for a time teachers were telling kids that it would rot your brain.

Beavis & Butthead like The Simpsons and Howard Stern is one of those things that it's crazy has actually become respectable.

Yeah, it's crazy to think that the Simpsons is well respected… same with Howard Stern… because there was a time when people LITERALLY thought this stuff was dangerous to our society.

Back in those days, you couldn't get whole movies… just clips, so I would sit and watch 10 second clips over and over again.

The main thing I remember from that age was that I was so sheltered, that I thought even pop culture with really small amounts of sex were scandalous.

Top Ten Special FX Films:

Obviously there is no parallel with your example because we're talking about:
1) a solider following a superior officer's order
2) A guy who thought that he was playing a video game and didn't find out until later that he was actually killing people