
The men all chose men and the women all chose women… Discuss.

I understand the criticism that this review is 10 months late… Yes, the prequel reviews came years after the prequels were out of theaters but they perfectly articulated the aggrivation that star wars had felt about the prequels in a way that felt fresh. The Force Awakens review simply did not do that.

No Sideways? That should be #1.

At what point can we stop calling Bill Cosby an "alleged" rapist?

I thought this article was goingto be about the gay sex hook-up app going out of business…

I actually think "What's Going On?" would be a better choice simply because I always thought the choice to put political lyrics over a sex beat is such a bad idea.

I'm kinda confused by him saying that Steve Wonder was the precursor to the Red Hot Chili Peppers. I would say more like the Minute Men.

Does anybody remember the G.I. Joe Animated movie where Cobra Commander turned into an actual snake-man. Scary as shit.

Exactly! I feel the argument of "well, this movie isn't good because it's different than the book" so boring, stupid, and lazy.

If this is film is emotionless then why did a 13 year old me not sleep for like a week afterwards… bare in mind I'm the kind of guy who can count on one hand all of the times that he's been scared by a movie

I essentially agree with the article. There are things I love and hate about the movie and things I love and hate about the book. I can boil down the differences thus:

How about the time "Cocaine" came on the radio when I was hanging out with my ex-girlfriend's parents. I very confidentially said "you know, the bass player for the velvet underground wrote this song". I sat there while my ex's dad explained to me that J.J. Cale is not short for John Cale.

I think it's just because moms aren't really into that type of thing.

Oh god…

Have you ever listened to Anvil? I always thought sounded like AC/DC with worse lyrics.

So, wait a minute… if you look like beyonce, the best you can do is B girl? Damn…

It must be really annoying to have people always saying: "Why can't you have the same emotional problems you had when you were in your 20's?"

Anybody else surprised that a guy as smart as Louie C.K. tweets like a dyslexic 10 year old?

Any word on what Billy Campbell said that was so bad about the marketing campaign for the Rocketeer?