
God, definitely top 3 albums of all time for me. I fucking love this album.

God, definitely top 3 albums of all time for me. I fucking love this album.

I tried to find a photo of her when she was fat on-line and couldn't find it. Was she exagerating or did she just not get many photos taken?

I tried to find a photo of her when she was fat on-line and couldn't find it. Was she exagerating or did she just not get many photos taken?

Sorry sarcasm doesn't translate over the interwebs.

Sorry sarcasm doesn't translate over the interwebs.

The same could be said of Jimmy Fallon's time on the show.

The same could be said of Jimmy Fallon's time on the show.

Uh, I hear you about gay and transgendered not being the same thing although I think that if a transgendered prostitute is riding around in a car with a dude… he probably is ALSO gay.

Uh, I hear you about gay and transgendered not being the same thing although I think that if a transgendered prostitute is riding around in a car with a dude… he probably is ALSO gay.

Keep in mind that we're talking about free love with girls who don't shave or bath very often.

Keep in mind that we're talking about free love with girls who don't shave or bath very often.

"being a showrunner is a lot of work. It might be the most difficult, wearing job in show business. Directors’ shoots end after several months. Bands eventually finish albums."

"being a showrunner is a lot of work. It might be the most difficult, wearing job in show business. Directors’ shoots end after several months. Bands eventually finish albums."

I would recommend Virgin Suicides before this book because it's much better but I hope the people on this message board haven't scared you away from Marriage Plot. It's another good though much lighter novel.

I don't remember exactly why I hated Madeleine but I felt like she had this huge sense of entitlement and no responsibility for her actions… just getting into these horrible situations and manipulating all of these people around her but it was ok because SHE WAS IN LOVE.

Ha ha… I kinda hated Madeleine too but I still liked the book simply because I found it very true to life. Most of the female liberal arts majors I met in college had their head… more like half their body… up their own ass.

I choose:
Nick Krause from the Descendents for Mitchell.
Evan Rachel Wood for Madeline
Heartthrob of the moment for Leonard
Elizabeth Montgomery from Downton Abbey for Madeline's mom.

$10 says they get the bitch from those twilight movies.

A couple people around the office said that they were killed at the end of the first film. I never thought that. I guess I assumed they were alive because nobody said "hey, you killed Sabertooth" and they never showed the body. Also, superheroes beat up on each other way worse in the comic books every month.