
Do they ever explain why Sabertooth, Toad, and/or Nightcrawler just get cast aside in the X-Men movies?

Is there anything sadder then borrowing money off of your daughter? The only thing I can think of would be trading interest in your dead husband's music career.

I could never get past the name of this comic strip to read it. To quote Roger Ebert: Funny sounding names are the lowest form of comedy.

How about a my world of flops entry for Marie Antoinette?

Does anybody else remember the "A League of Their Own" TV show?

Has anybody figured out what Slash did to provoke such hatred?

Yeah, it's not enough that he took the name and replaced everybody in the band. Now it's like he wants to rewrite history so that he can act like Slash, Duff, Izzy, etc. were never even in the band. Bullshit.

I can see why the guys in Blondie were pissed. If they absolutely couldn't play together then they each should have been able to play a song or two with their own bands.

If he doesn't want to reunite with the old guys, that's fine but from his comments, it seems like Rose doesn't even want the guys who played on Appetite for Destruction being included in the induction. It almost seems like he wants to go back in history and make it so that the current line-up of GNR was always the


I'm really thinking that this would have been better if they had just made it a shameless Pac Man rip-off. Imagine a tiny little ET being chased by FBI agents gathering Reese's Pieces. It kinda works!

Are you talking about Sid Meyer's Pirates? I rarely got on other people for their opinions… but CHRIST!!! That game is genius. To this day, it ranks pretty high in "greatest games ever" lists

I can picture a really good Green Lantern strategy/action game based on the "Blackest Night" thing from a few years back.

I know exactly what you mean. Those old atari games are kinda creepy and existential.

I would say that you can appreciate a video game with bad graphics and storyline if it is fun… It is a little bit rarer because the main objective of a video game is to be fun and any artistic merits are waaaaay down the line in terms of priorities.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who went through an existential crisis because of this game.

My point is that when watching a comedy from before about 1970 I can appreciate whether or not it's well done but I don't really laugh.

I think that's the annoying thing. All of Chase's solutions to make the show better are to have more airtime for him.

Would anybody be that disappointed if Pierce wasn't on the show?

You know, you're probably right. I don't know what it is then. Maybe it's just so over the top with the gloom and doom that it seems silly to me.