
Ha ha… this is actually the only Metallica album I can stomach. I just feel like it's trying to be really weird and doesn't take itself as seriously as the other albums.

Yeah, good point. I Love Lucy is probably funnier then the average episode of 2 and a half men if that's your measuring stick…

I don't think comedy ages well. For people who watch and enjoy this show: Yeah, you can sit and appreciate it, but do you really laugh your ass off at it? I know I don't.

You know, everybody says NBC sucks but all they would need is a decent drama at 10:00 on thursday and they would have the best single night of television on network TV… probably the three best sit-coms on television and the ghost of what used to be the best sit-com on TV=not too shabby.

I was wondering the same thing. None of those actors have been in anything other then an American Pie movie in years. You'd think they'd be begging them to let them be in the sequel.

Can we talk about his business practices for a minute?

Maybe I should have paid more attention in Sunday School.

If it was just a matter of "I don't care for his art" I would agree with you… but this guy was a grade A son of a bitch with a huge sense of misplaced superiority.

Come on folks, whatever our feeling towards the man we should at leas be respectful of the fact that…

How do you guys feel about "Almost Blue"? I have to admit that I don't really listen to it but I just couldn't bring myself to put it in the bad category. I don't think Costello set out to make a great album but to get people to check out much better albums by the guys who did the originals. In that way, he

I like the bonus disc that was included in the Spike reissue because it has less over-produced versions of many of the songs from that album.

How do you feel about smart bands writing dumb songs? I'm thinking "We Are All on Drugs" by Weezer.

dcp: "Goodbye Cruel World is mostly maligned for its dated production, but there's some solid songwriting beneath the 80s drums."

Wow, that's not a bad list but it's almost like he got sudden Touret's syndrome during a couple of those choices.

Now, I see why more people don't make lists like the one I did.

Don't forget "I Want You", one of my all-time favorites.

I almost bumped Delivery Man up a notch. I think it was just overshadowed by being between two top notch latter day Costello albums.

Spurious George: "His good albums are good for so many different reasons".

For me it goes like this: 
Classic: My Aim is True, This Year's Model, Armed Forces, Get Happy
Great: Trust, Blood & Chocolate, When I was Cruel
Good: Imperial Bedroom, King of America, River in Reverse, 
Mediocre: Painted From Memory, Delivery Man, North, National Ransom
Worth a listen (or two): Almost Blue, Punch the

I didn't find that scene from Gummo disqusting so much as just weird. Who the hell is so busy that they have to eat and take a bath at the same time. You seriously can't wait five minutes til you're done with your bath to eat some damn spaghetti?