
Somebody told me the other day "I don't know what it is about Elvis Costello that I can't stand. I think it's just that he's one of those guys that you're supposed to love… like it's socially unacceptable to not like Elvis Costello."

A Yes/King Crimson/Jethro Tull revival? I just died inside a little.

Funny, because my reaction to Ryan Adams is pretty much exactly what he mentioned the critical appraisal is. I don't hate it or anything, it's just so boring and bland.

Thank you for bringing up Carmen. I've been trying to tell my girlfriend who grew up in a very devoutly atheist home about Carmen for years. I'm start to suspect that she doesn't believe me when I tell her about a 40 year old Paul Reiser look-a-like rapping about Jesus. I have to admit, I probably wouldn't believe it

How about the opposite? It seemed like all of these are examples where you were sharing  a piece of pop culture that meant a lot to you and they didn't quite "get" it. Do you have any examples of the opposite (where a significant other tried to share something with you that you didn't get?)

I don't know. I guess I could understand this sort of thing ten years ago before the invention of the internet and/or TV shows on DVD but today? I don't think so.

"It’s one of those horrible things that happens to someone where, at the moment it happens, it’s debilitating and heart-wrenching, but when you look back, you know that you overcame what most people could never overcome." 
She's talking about having some dialogue overdubbed right? Nobody was killed. Nobody was raped

The thing that bothers me about this is the sense of entitlement. Her biggest accomplishments is being in various stages of undress and she acts like she can't imagine the fact that professional scientists don't take her opinion seriously.

I think beating his girlfriend actually helped his career. Music that boring and bland usually has a shelf life of like 2 or 3 years. We're still talking about him, right?

Jenny McCarthy makes me sick. I can't imagine the sense of entitlement that makes somebody think that professional scientists should listen to her simply because she's got massive boobs.

Ha ha! I always thought that she was talking about that movie Spawn too and it was one of those things that I spent way too much time thinking about.

I'm far from being a Dylan expert but these a re my favorite Dylan albums as well


What a dick. He totally got what he deserved.

It kinda seems that you just get called sexist for criticizing a woman no matter what.

I don't get how criticizing Lana Del Ray makes you sexist.

In all fairness, he did sign a piece of paper giving DC the rights to the characters… (OK, before the shitstorm of comments telling me that I'm heartless, I will concede: Back in those days, independent comics didn't really exist so there really was no alternative for Moore. It was either "sign over the rights to my

I think my comparison to Bubba Fett in Star Wars works for this as well. I found Bubba Fett less cool when I saw him as a child in Star Wars: Attack of the Clones and I find him retroactively less cool when I rewatch the old Star Wars films. I'm sorry, I can't just unwatch Star Wars: Attack of the Clones.

Right, ambiguity is essential to a well-written story. Remember how bad-ass you thought Bubba Fett was when you were a kid? It was because he was mysterious. Then, they told his whole back story and you were all "I want to unsee Bubba Fett as a child" but you couldn't. He lost whatever allure he once possessed.

"Moore himself has spent much of his career building on characters he didn’t create either"