
I didn't find the Lana Del Ray thing bad so much as really, really weird. Everything from the slowness of the tempo, the harp in the background, her utter lack of movement on stage, it's reference to videogames… WEIRD!!!!!

I've also heard numerous male stand comics mention that you can't be worrying about being sexy when you're trying to be funny. I feel like with female comics there usually comes a line that they won't cross like "no, that makes me look too silly. I still want to be sexy".

Prisoner Rules

THere are funny women here and there but they are mainly a fluke. There will never be as many funny women as funny men because one of the main motivations for becoming a comedian is to impress women.

My point with the Star Wars movies:

"Aside from a possible fifth Indiana Jones movie, which is more or less handled by software these days"

That's funny because Angela (ex-wife of David) Bowie's impression of him was completely different. She said that she viewed him as a middle aged man trying very hard to seem young and hip… dressing like a teenager, staying out all night, and chasing girls that were barely legal.

Beastie Boys did it!

What's with the Bill Wyman hate? Is it just because his basslines are simple? Clearly he was a minimalist who could pull out something tasty (and more complicated) "She's So Cold" and "Under my Thumb" are two of my favorite bass lines.

It's sad that the kid from Scott Pilgrim has the best filmography from arrested development.

"After all, he did make the mostly entertainingWedding Crashers."
Am I the only person who hates that movie?

God, I can't imagine who would greenlight a tv series based on the Farside comic strip. I would imagine that the hardest thing about adapting a comic strip is "how do you stretch three or four panels into a half hour worth of material?" With Farside you only have one panel. Also, there's no recurring cast. Maybe they