Mrs David Tennant

I've often asked my Texas friend why she watches NASCAR - the cars just go round and round! But she loves it, her kids had favorite drivers when they were just little, and she goes to the track (not NASCAR) fairly often. Each to his own I guess.

I just wish they would dial way back on the manufactured drama. I'd actually like to see more of the construction and less of the hysteria.

How many times have they done this now? Three or four? That's ridiculous and they should have to pay for it. Can they back out of the whole deal now?

People are still asking that? It has a very simple answer! He's an idiot.

He needs to lose his job.

I've had that feeling a lot lately.

You beat me to it.

I love Toddler-in-Chief! That's the one I'm going to start using.

I read about that - the Governor said we should go about this in a different way. Well, Roy, why didn't you take it down before this then?

I saw a Dutch guy on an episode of House Hunters International one time who I would have swum to Europe for. Damn, he was cute.

It's absolutely sickening. I'm sitting here just so sick to my stomach (literally).

Most dead people are boring.

I watched several episodes of that a while ago and it's really still a good show. I should go back and start that again.


I barely remember 1997 - it wasn't a great year for me so I think I've blocked it out.

You're going to have to blame Madonna for that.

That is fantastic! I love your grandfather!

Someone over on the Broadchurch article said they thought David Tennant was miscast as Uncle Scrooge, which seems … odd.

It was SO GOOD! Colman is amazing. (I remember saying this exact thing in the comments for Season 1.)

I'm not sure what your point is. Beth didn't become stronger because Mark is destroyed. How did you even come up with that? Beth is managing her own grief and it's okay that she got frustrated with Mark. She still wants to help him - she just needed to talk about her feelings.