Mrs David Tennant

There's over 1500 comments on that article!

I don't have time for Reasonable Discussions this morning!

That little girl needs a science lesson.

That's totally the way I see accounting! I can take it anywhere.

I think it was about 90% here. It's still freakily dark-ish. It's kind of like before a bad storm.

Watched a couple episodes of NewsRadio. Went to Pier One with my friend and saw how to decorate a table for the fall. (My friend and I both said: look at all those dustcatchers!) I won a $10 gift card in a raffle - I got all excited until I realized it was only for $10.

My architectural experience consists of building houses with Lego and with wood blocks (I used to build the house from blocks and then decorate it with construction paper wallpaper and rugs, and hand-drawn pictures) and I know I could design something way better than this!

Oh no, my internet connection is dying - the eclipse is the end of the world!

Yeah, my bathroom is like that. Fortunately as a woman, I face away from the mirror.

That googly-eyed thing made me laugh. I have to say, I really enjoy the architecture stuff they post here. I love making fun of other people's (lack of) design aesthetic.

Well, I disagree that it discredits him as an actor - have you seen Broadchurch? - but I will agree that it's not his finest moment by far.

Pink Floyd. Supertramp. Tom Petty.

I really wasn't. I just listened to the radio - I didn't actively search out new music. Although my memory is terrible and who's to say I didn't listen to his songs and just not remember.

I never even heard of Elvis Costello in 1979 but then I wasn't into music too much. I just listened to what my friend said to listen to.

I graduated high school in 1979. We never even thought about 2017; it was all, I'm going to be nearly 40 years old in 2000! Oh my god, it's the end of the world.

You painted quite a vivid picture there. Also, ew.

I actually hear about a lot of things first here. Which probably says something about me.

This deserves way more upvotes.

I like Lady Convenience Wife a lot - from my days of reading Harlequin Romances (long since past), that describes the plot of about half of them.

I have 20 oz. of half-caff coffee in the morning, and 2-3 times a week I have either a Dr Pepper or tea. I can't really drink caffeine after about 2 pm otherwise it affects my sleep. I am a coffee light-weight.