Mrs David Tennant

That scene was really tough for me to watch. I totally get what she was saying. And I agree, I think she could be really fantastic as the Doctor.

I went through a period of time where I bought those 6-packs every time I went to the grocery store. Haven't had them in close to 15 years now.

Wow, does that bring back some memories. I feel like I can still smell that pizza!

Very probably.

It was a thing for me the day I watched As Good As It Gets - man, I hated that movie. Can't even remember why but I remember that I hated it!

I don't know - this seems pretty egregious to me.

Damn, I nearly spit my tea all over my screen.

But isn't there such a thing as a hot-spot volcano that doesn't happen at subduction lines? (My source for this is the Science Channel and several years of working at a geology dept at a university in an admin job, so I'm on shaky ground here.)

Maybe he has a map of the island but the island itself doesn't appear on any maps. That makes sense, right?


Oh my god, yes. I was in grad school in 2011-12 for accounting and it was highway robbery! I did like that I could get electronic versions though.

My lunch is making me sick to my stomach. I know - it's a very minor problem but there are no snack machines here. If I want something else to eat, I have to drive to the store.

I'd love if we could get some new people over at the TI Forum as well. I've pretty much stopped visiting the Avocado - I find it's hard to keep up with comments and threads get pushed out very quickly.

My DNA test showed I'm 3% Neanderthal so I'm guessing there was definitely some Neanderthal sexing going on.

That Wichita Lineman album was one of the ones my mom always played during Saturday morning cleaning, along with Anne Murray, Kingston Trio, and Don Ho (!). It was one that I actually enjoyed.

Seeing Star Wars in the theater in 1977 is actually one of my strongest memories. My boyfriend and I drove to the only theater in Dallas that had Dolby sound and wow, it was so worth it.

I just thought they left out a word after "inside" and I'm like, inside what?!

I do not doubt that!

I had a water leak under the sink at around 10 pm on Saturday night - the pipes got backed up (again) and there was a smell of sewer gas. The maintenance man at my apts. evidently lives 1.25 hours away. He did seem to fix it temporarily but they really need to do a permanent fix - this is not the first time this has

Mine's in 2 years. Considering that I attended my 10th and my 30th and got fired from my job after returning from each (different jobs), I'll be damned if I attend the 40th.