Mrs David Tennant

Ravi is the best!

I liked Eccleston a lot. Enough that I didn't even want to watch after he regenerated into Tennant. Of course that didn't last too long.

It's not a kids show.- it's a family show.

I had a terrible 2006 as well - I would never want to go back there (unless I could change a couple of things).

They do collect the numbers (or they used to anyway). I'm assuming the tents are stolen after the order and before the food.

I think Whataburger's taquitos are the thing I miss most about Texas.

The closest one to me is almost 3 hours away - I miss their breakfast taquitos so much.

I don't know how - those damned lines were so freaking long I thought I was going to die of old age before I got to vote.

It was on her glasses and man, would that be annoying! To have something in your peripheral vision all day like that?

Animal! Animal! Animal!

There's some birds here that make a sound exactly like a child screaming. it took me a while to even be sure that it was birds.

I didn't know the answer but I did know it wasn't home runs. I think I was like, hits, maybe?

Yeah, I'm pretty sure it's a law.

That does look interesting.


New Zealand is number two on my list - Scotland being number one.

I don't read travel guides but I do love a good travel narrative (travelogue?). I'm definitely an armchair traveler.

Every Sunday like clockwork.

I finished the last episode of Escape to the Country (a British house-hunting show) and looked online to see if there were any more and there's 13 seasons of that show and Netflix has one! Netflix, you suck!

My friend I first met in Texas (we both live in NC now) misses that flat land around Dallas so much! It really amazes me. I lived in Dallas for about 25 years off and on, and that was not one of the things I missed when I moved first to Massachusetts and then here.