Mrs David Tennant

I'm moving at work too! I hate it. I'm going from a private, lockable office to a shared building with 1.5 other people. It's beat up from years of small children - we used to use it as a classroom - and the only bathroom doesn't have a sink in it, just right outside, and it's at toddler height. On the other hand, I

My parents are 78 and 80, and I am so glad that neither has dementia. It's so horrible.

Yikes! How do they treat that - just physical therapy?

I do like singing in groups!

If my A/C broke now, I'd be spending my nights at a hotel until it was fixed. Especially because I live on the 1st floor and I don't think my area is that great that I could sleep with my windows open.

I have actually been looking at local churches, specifically Unitarian ones.

So how long was the job search in full? it seems like it's been several months, right?

I wish I could make a new friend. The only one I've got here in NC is married to an asshole and we hardly ever see each other.

I forgot to bring something to work today to drink and now all I have is tap water. Bleah.

The one that bugged me was the little dogie clue - is dogie pronounced doggie? I always pronounced it "doe-gie".

I laughed out loud at home - there must be a Star Trek fan in the writer's room.

Eh, each to his/her own. I kind of liked the Minions movie, so what do I know.

Yeah, I was just thinking I'd have to ask about pretty much everything on a Mexican restaurant menu. Or fancy French restaurant.

I have no idea who these people are that can schedule these things. My poop tells me when it's ready, not the other way around.

I think I'm gonna puke.


When I clicked on this article there were 666 comments. I'm pretty sure there's a joke in there somewhere but I'm too tired to come up with one.

It definitely looks like tattoo sleeves to me. I saw him on the Graham Norton Show one time, and I don't remember anything like that.

I had a sealed, addressed birthday card for my mom that I forgot to mail for a couple of years, so I finally sent it to her last year, and it turned out to be a Mothers Day card. So I sent her a birthday card on Mothers Day.

I'm a Canadian only by virtue of having a Canadian parent, but actually I have heard of Fort McMurray - obviously I'm more knowledgeable than I thought!