Mrs David Tennant

Oh yeah, Edmonton. I'm only a Canadian on paper - I've never actually lived there.

My next cat will be called Amelia, but Amelia Pond, not Amelia Earhart.

I was really surprised they used the Indians title - it was never published in the US as that - it was always And Then There Were None (as far as I know, anyway).

I knew it was Alberta but didn't come up with the city. Which is kind of stupid because I think I only know the name of one city in Alberta. I'm a terrible Canadian.

My favorite ages are between around 18 months and 4 years old. Kids are like little sponges during those years - you can almost see them learning. But usually when they hit kindergarten they get pretty snotty.

There was a place in Carrollton, TX, where I'm pretty sure I could see close to 20 distinct fireworks shows - pretty much a 270-degree view. It's so dang flat there though - I'm surprised you saw that many in hill country.

Yeah, I think the law is the same here (NC) but I couldn't really tell if they were launched or not.

Iceland?! That sounds great.

I'm sorry - that sucks.

Oh geez, I used to live about 5 miles away from Fort Bragg and that ordnance testing was super loud! It completely freaked me out the first time I heard it (much like the first time I heard a bullfrog).

Yeah, I heard some illegal firecrackers around 11:30 pm and then again at 1:15 am (!).

Yellowstone all week - that's a great vacation.

He is Scottish. I've gotten used to his brogue but closed-captioning is still helpful.

It's "a lot" and "all right". Seeing "alot" or "alright" makes me crazy.


People milk pigs?!

Also, those are some skinny pigs.

My great-grandfather was "Pepere" which is pronounced Pi-pay (at least in my family). I wonder if this somehow wandered down from French-speaking Canada into the south.

I liked the movie quite a bit. It was sweet.

No, I didn't immigrate. My mom was Canadian, and the laws changed several years ago in Canada so us kids are now allowed to get Canadian citizenship.