Mrs David Tennant

I've had three wrecks - one person ran a red light, one turned left from the middle of 3 lanes, and one took a left turn on a green light (only the arrow is protected) right as I was coming through the intersection. I sure thought today that that guy in the Corolla was going to buy me a new car.

As I mentioned elsewhere this will be my first Canada Day as an actual real Canadian citizen, so I suppose I will wave a tiny Canadian flag in my apartment.

This will be my first Canada Day as an actual Canadian citizen!

Sure, why not?

I'm assuming he means the coworker will be setting off fireworks in the park.

I almost got whacked by a piece-of-shit Toyota Corolla barreling out of a tiny little condo complex just about an hour ago. I had a stop sign but barely looked that direction because I have literally never seen a car go into or out of that complex. He had to have been going 40 or 45 in what was basically a parking lot.

Sorry, Monsters University fails because of a lack of Boo.

I'm sorry - that's so sad. My grandmother was in a nursing home for the last few years of her life, and my parents told me that she basically just called for her husband (my grandfather who had died several years earlier) all the time.

I'm very sorry to hear that.

Also, people who staple pieces of paper together that are not lined up. Or three-hole-punch papers that aren't lined up so the holes don't match.

Absolutely! Think about what you're doing here, people!

They say Thanks and Cheers? That seems slightly redundant.

Square hamburgers.

Man, I am misreading things all over the place today - I read that as you were shooing the same bunny away and I was shocked, yes, shocked! that you would be so mean.

I would never, ever consider Harry Potter urban fantasy.

Also, please stop smirking. And stop doing your little head-bob.

I was thinking hairnet too, but I decided nobody would go on national television wearing a hairnet.

It's just gross, isn't it?


I hate those houses. Especially when a classic 1930s or 40s house gets torn down, and they build a McMansion right up to the lot line.