Ron Barassi

The out-of-focus guy Lewis is talking to - is that Sanjeev Bhaskar?

Alternatively, you could come out to Australia, as Halloween's really taken off over the last decade or so for some reason. It's really fucking annoying.

It could still happen; he'd probably be one of the leading contenders to take over if Craig packed it in. (Not that I have any problem with Craig as Bond.)

On the contrary, cockney goths are actually a vibrant subculture, complete with their own goth pearly king and queen.

But surely that's not a recent photograph?

Yeah, Gervais & Merchant seem to have forgotten over time that Neil as originally devised was plainly meant to be the anti-David: hard-working (and good at his job), charismatic, well-liked - all traits David Brent imagined himself to possess but patently did not. Turning Neil into a villain didn't really make any

You don't even own a TV?

"Men's rights activist" (or "advocate", depending on which source you're reading).

Here, let me fix your comment for you:

At the bottom of this comment thread, actually (not really a punchline, to be honest, but a link to the Wikipedia article about the show).

" It’s very hard to not love everything that Fred Willard does." Well, with one notable exception…

(Edited to say: didn't realise someone had already beaten me to a Black & White Minstrel Show punchline, darn it.)

In Soviet Russia, Keri Russell gives you a critical pounding! That is, she'll have you carted off by the KGB, taken to Lubyanka Prison, interrogated, charged with crimes against the state, and exiled to Siberia.

Really? That is good news. Now all they need to do is follow it up with the announcement that the remake is getting permanently shelved.

No hand-me-down Gordon Gartrell shirts, though.

Another reason not to be a Weasley family member (assuming that the "world" you're living in is the narrative of the Harry Potter books) is: doesn't one of the twin brothers die at the end? In terms of family dynamics, that would kind of be a major downer, surely.

I see now that that's the prevailing opinion around here, certainly, but even if I liked this movie more than I do, I still don't think I'd agree: mainstream though they might be, movies like Die HardSpeed or The Bourne Identity would be way in front in the "proverbial good action movie" stakes for me.

You know, this is all vaguely disturbing: when Australians have a larger product range of a given commercial foodstuff than Americans do, then the world isn't working as it should. WHAT'S GOING ON, AMERICA?!!

@Scrawler2:disqus You all need to file some kind of consumer complaint, or write your Congresspersons, or something, because our Drumsticks come in flavours such as:
- Boysenberry
- Choc Mint
- White Chocolate
- White Choc & Raspberry
- Caramel Swirl
plus one or two others that I can't remember just now. I guess it all

But - we have Cornettos and Drumsticks in Australia! Truly, this is the best of all possible worlds.