Ron Barassi

If Ironside rates at all well, expect to see rebooted versions of Mannix, Barnaby Jones, Cannon, McCloud and all the rest of them too.

Mine as well. (Runner up: "In California", one of her covers.)

Josh Thomas can be pretty funny (e.g. throwing out snarky comments on panel shows), but he's not really one for critical analysis or insight of any kind - for a task like this, he'd pretty much be dead last on any list of Australian comedians I could think of.

All the more reason, then, for some style hunter to seize the opportunity to restyle the floppy disk as a new hipster accessory. You know it makes sense.

"… going from cheap video to film…"

Yeah, but if you look at the Wikipedia page for this movie, it's mentioned in the second sentence of the entry. So it may be obscure information, but even the most basic research (ok, it's Wikipedia, but still) would uncover that fact.

You didn't like E.T. as a child?! And you still don't ?!? What kind of inhuman monster are you?!?!!

Nothing against Natalie Martinez up there, but every time she turns up on this show looking like that, for a split second I think she's Jo Lupo from Eureka, and am then disappointed when I realize she's not.

That is a thing that normally happens, yes. Although in this case, seeing as I've not actually heard of these guys before today (because I stopped listening to contemporary Aussie music about a decade ago), my overall response is more like "Well… okay then… that's… great?"

For once, I agree - if Nanjiani hates this song then so be it, but he either a) doesn't understand its meaning at all, or b) is wilfully misunderstanding it in order to generate some cheap laughs. And also: if it's "… such a trite idea to (Nanjiani) that 'everybody hurts' ", then what are we to make of his exhortation

Yep - wild deer, camels, donkeys, foxes, rabbits, pigs, starlings, blackbirds - not a single one of them native, of course (all introduced by well-meaning but essentially thoughtless English & European settlers in the 19th century), and most of them pests because they breed excessively, due to not having any natural

@avclub-5b7e0a1ad5d9ac9ef3063b05f55b6d31:disqus @avclub-d0dfbf82a0232e4c63faf5016c25b7d5:disqus No doubt you're both right - it would almost certainly be abused. On the other hand, if it were nothing more than the opposite of the "like" button (i.e. merely a way to register disapproval, rather than, say, the ability

Why the hell don't we have a "dislike" button around here?

So I guess I'd be the only one thinking of him as post-"Homefront" Kyle Chandler, then?

American candy is the worst.

This is true in Australia too - and I was just about to get all excited about how cultural norms are transported around the world in unexpected ways etc, etc., and then I realised that all it probably meant was that Nestlé used the same advertising slogan in both countries - "When you eat your Smarties, do you eat the

Me too, though (as you say) it's nothing like as common as it once was in this part of the world, unfortunately. I think you'd be hard-pressed to find anyone under the age of 40 who'd even know it was meant to be an insulting gesture.

5' 5", according to Google (so it must be correct).