A Apple

A fucking lolcats joke?
If that lazy, terrible writing is the best the show can come up with nowadays it's time to send it back to the grave.

At least one other "plot in the comedy club" scene
There's the one where Jerry's mad at Bania for riding his coattails, so he tries to deliberately "throw" his set and you see Kramer in the audience trying to drum up some support.

I feel so goddamn bad for poor Stephen. Such a funny guy who seemed to really get along well with all the other chefs, but he just couldn't catch a break. Doesn't help that he totally reminds me of my best friend in high school.

Not again
Christ, Nathan, again you won't shut the fuck up about yourself in your articles! I find it hard to believe that anyone would be able to tolerate you in real life considering your complete self-absorption

Pretty pathetic that you feel the need to defend yourself on an unregistered account, Nathan Rabin. Go write a hugely bloated "review" about it.

Fuck Steampunk

So uh
You realize that Andy Kindler is an extremely frequent sit-down guest on Letterman, right? Like, first segment, before any other guests. Was the indie cred thing sarcasm, or……?

Christ, Nathan, just shut the fuck up already and review the show. No one cares.

"The Impossibles"? Yeah….

One thing to say about this episode

Hm, complaining about (correct?!) punctuation and referencing Hit Indie Band Vampire Weekend. About what I'd expect from the users of this site and people dumb enough to actually try and defend Nathan Rabin!

Even in writing, somehow, you just come off as a completely unlikable prick, Nathan.

Your thoughts exactly.

Crazy how this show went from having a fantastic episode (the Goodfellas one), to an episode that was not just terrible by the show's quality but one of the worst episodes of a TV show I've ever seen (the highschoolers one, obviously), to one of the BEST episodes of a TV show I've ever seen (this one, obviously).

This was the greatest episode of anything I've ever seen.

Lol at these spergs who can't handle someone having an opinion that conflicts with their own, so they come up with some ridiculous scheme to explain it to their poor, shrunken brains. I hope you guys can go out into the real world and understand how normal people think someday! Actually, you're probably better off

Weird how somehow the only comments of mine you seem to notice are the negative ones.

Fuck anyone who's ever participated in a "flash mob." Especially this one.

Fuck this episode; it was kind of awful.

Yeah, exactly, Family Guy is the absolute perfect example of this. I dunno if fans were demanding it or something or if the writers were just retarded (probably both!) but all their maybe-kinda-funny one-off characters have been run into the ground so much it's ridiculous.