A Apple

Hate to sound like Rabin even a little, but the music in this episode and its timing was absolutely fantastic.

What happened to Paul Brittain? I didn't even notice he was gone for the last episode or two

Colbert's a great character and comedian (and a fellow South Carolinian so, well, there's that) but to me his show is like a light dessert after Daily Show. And to say he's a better "quasi-journalist" than Jon Stewart is insane.

It's not like he's funny or anything, so….
Seriously, how does anyone enjoy seeing him go through literally the same motions every night and act like he's some kind of comedic savior? I could see someone, say, maybe 12 or younger giggling and clapping their hands at Conan playing peek-a-boo with the camera every

The actual funniest line, possibly from the whole show, which you quoted: "Why would a banana grab another banana? Those are the kinds of questions I don't wanna answer."

It's weird how different people interpret and remember this show in so many different ways. Like, I would NEVER say "The Pledge Drive" is best remembered for Mr. Pitt's way of eating a Snickers bar.

By now I've learned to habitually skip the first 1-2 paragraphs of all Nathan Rabin articles because it'll surely be some pointless bullshit, and this one is pretty much the perfect example of that.

Dale is the fuckin worst, an eternal downer. Glad he's gone.

Uh, because just about none of that has to do with his attitude, which is entirely what I was talking about, dumbass? The guy's always gotta be negative about something, even when he wins.

There must always be a Food Nerd to make up a Food Hipster in their mind so they have someone to take out their anger on………

Maybe it was "considerate" in the backwards-logic universe of House, but not even close in the real world. Which is what made the scene so ridiculous and bad.

Dale is always, always, always such a fuckin downer. Wish he'd get outta here already.

No, it was terrible.

Hm, you sure do hate those gosh-darned LIBERALS, don't you Todd?

The Shakespeare theater sketch was "too complicated"? Do you have some kind of learning disability?

Here's the SHOCKING reason why no one cares about The Middle:
Everyone saw it a few years ago when it was a show that was actually good and called Malcolm in the Middle.


Wow, it's almost like you didn't even bother to read the article before posting a dumbass comment!

Yeah, he's right, if you don't like this episode, you have NO RIGHT to call yourself a "maniac." Because that makes complete sense.

For what it's worth, you're the one who's right. It's not like the AV Club's game reviews, much like all of their reviews except maybe TV I guess, are worth shit. Everyone except the commenters obsessed with defending everything the site does for some reason realizes they're a joke.