A Apple

What is the deal with people on the internet and wanting to run excellent background or one-off characters into the ground? No Creed, Japanese surgeon, Scruffy, and so on do not need to become more fully developed because the entire reason why they're funny is because they play such a small part. And you're a bad

I know "grades for episodes should not necessarily be comparable between two different shows" and yeah yeah blah blah etc. but this was episode was SO much better than tonight's Office. And I've pretty strongly disliked 30 Rock for most of the season. This was like season 1 or 2 quality, except maybe a few

Nah, this episode was pretty bad.

Also that Jenny Slate sketch was the 3rd installment of a recurring character sketch. Granted, one I like a lot and think is pretty funny.

Don't understand you, Claire. This was easily the worst episode of the season outside the January Jones one (was that even this season?) and, like, everyone else has pretty much agreed.

Adam Lambert lookin' like Ray Liotta in Goodfellas tonight.

Great, now Nathan's gone from talking endless about himself in every article and now it's all about how OLLLLD he is and how CRAZY these young people and their trends are these days. The joke/observation was old before you even started doing it, Nathan, now that you're using it in literally everything you write

At least now I know that South Park fans are the worst people on earth! Good to know.

Hahaha, way to be exactly the dude Todd was mocking at the end of the review.

Way to go, so have tons of people, but the point is that putting them together would literally make Danny Gokey. Which I was totally the first to point out.

One more thing - just gonna say I pointed out the Garcia + DeWyze = Gokey thing, like, the very first time they stood next to each other however many weeks ago. Called it

THREE WEEKS IN A ROW someone has said "Well if I'm still here next week I have something REAL BIG planned guys!!!" when defending themselves to the judges. It's absolutely shameless and I can't believe someone like Simon hasn't called them out on it yet.

Wait, what?
Nathan watched "Back to the Future and its two sequels" back to back just before watching Part 3? Huh?

@Message Board Lurker Fuck off retard. People are allowed to like things you don't, and I'm sorry you've interacted with so few real people in your pathetic little life that you haven't learned this already.

You guys are immediately jumping to the conclusion that I didn't like it because of the product placement. That's a small part of it sure, but not even close to the biggest issue. 2/3 of the plots felt way more cliche than usual, there just weren't that many big laughs, and in the scene with Claire and Mitchell at

It pains me to say this but this was easily the worst episode of the series.

I really liked the backstage stuff; wouldn't mind if they kept doing that every week. Kinda made Siobhan look like a douche though.

If anyone who has ever unironically said or typed epic, moar, interwebs/nets, fail or win as a noun, or lulz literally died the world would be an infinitely better place.

And also using that internet lingo is about the least "hip" thing imaginable. Think about what these people are like in real life. Yeah…..

No way dude, if there's one thing you should know by now about these massive nerds it's that they'll run their idiotic 4chan lingo into the ground for years and years after it's gotten old (which, for the record, is the day they come up with it).