A Apple

"Of fail"?
Am I at fucking 4chan here?

Yeah I didn't mean to imply this piece of shit show is anywhere near as good as Lost, though I guess the "ripoff" part kind of said that. Anyway…

Anyone remember Shaq's Big Challenge and how he and his chef friend totally faced the same problem when they tried to fix school lunches? I'm just saying…

I literally could not be less surprised that someone like you is a fat fuck.

Wow dude way to be one of the thousands of frothing-at-the-mouth internet nerds who uses "vapid" as a catchall excuse for any woman you don't like.

So wait, fans of this show actually "bristle" at comparisons to Lost? Even though this show is a complete ripoff and exactly the same thing?

"Sudeikis is a gifted comic actor"

Ahaha thanks for proving my point dude.

Actually the next step is you acting like a massive sperg.

Wake up people!

"An epic of epic epicness"?
Fuck this movie.

Eh I dunno, it seems like the judges have been mostly on her side until this and maybe last week, and having the judges' support goes a long way in getting votes I think. Like I said, if she's not gone next week, having been completely terrible AND lost the support of the judges, then it'll be a total DISASTER!!!!

All I could think of when I saw Siobhan's outfit at the practice with Miley Cyrus was Rita from Arrested Development. So how long until we find out she's actually retarded?

Also Didi Benini (Thanks, Ryan) is a way better name than the real thing.

Yeah but seriously though you should go ahead and take over this show from Claire. You're so much better at it it's ridiculous.

It's funny actually… having only seen last season and small parts of a couple seasons before that, I'd wondered over the last few weeks if there were ever any truly awful, like "would-have-been-mocked-during-auditions"-level performances at this stage of the competition. And now I know!

King Leonard returns, once again KILLIN' IT on the Idol recap.

This episode was alright, but a couple things:
- Whichever retard decided to make the picture all…skippy and stuff during Chuck's fight with the mole should probably lose their job right away.
- I saw the ending to Chuck's test coming from the very first scene and so should anyone who's ever seen a single episode of

Nah just kidding I'm not one of those crazies whose whole opinion on an episode can be swayed by a single moment. But the ending really was great.

"I don't know what that means…but my mind says 'no.'" Or whatever the line was.