A Apple

Didn't care much for tonight's episode…until the end, that is. Fuuuuuuuuuuccccccccccckkkkkk.

You Can't Always Get What You Liked? Are you fucking kidding me? What a joke this site is that people like you are actually allowed to write for it and reflect the opinion of the site.

Fuck Nick Thune.

I think it's a little funny how seemingly every week you come up with some new thing that the Digital Shorts supposedly do "every week." Before you claimed it was gay dudes, now it's old people fucking? Tell me, what other shorts have featured that? Here, let me help you with that - none, you moron.

No need to get all defensive about someone having a different opinion than your beloved Claire Zulkey. He's totally right and she's a retard to say that all Lonely Island videos/songs are the same.

Yeah, if you think that Lonely Island (which you don't even know the name of) "parody" video is funny or perceptive in any way, I can suddenly understand why you don't really "get" most comedy.

I like Community but I think Modern Family does the touchy-feely stuff a lot better than this show.

That's pretty delusional to blame vote for the worst since she's been getting pretty heavily praised up until this week iirc.

Yeah seriously. Maybe you guys weren't watching in HD or something, because it was sorta hard to see I guess, but on more than one occasion there were totally some tears from her. She did remain kinda stoic through it though.

If Aaron and Katie weren't 16 or whatever the fuck there's absolutely no way they'd still be in this. Annoying but true.

That ad actually wasn't very funny at all.

Too bad
I already think Siobhan is pretty great but seeing her break up when Alex was going was all the more endearing. I didn't even think Alex was THAT great but it really was a pretty sad moment.

Hey everyone! Nerds obsessed with Conan overreact when someone has a minor criticism about him! Breaking news!!!

Conan's alright and all but he really needs to let the "fun on television" thing go. He's running it into the ground. Or he already has.

I have a kind of irrational hate for too many contestants this season. Aaron Kelly, Caitlyn Epperly (that hair!), Lily whatever, Didi Benami for crying all the damn time, and whatever the youngest girl's name is for using her sick grandma as a bargaining chip for all of the early rounds ("If I don't make it through

Yeah, I agree that they really kinda let that entire part of the family's plot drop (Luke thinking he wasn't their kid, everything with Phil). I didn't even realize it until now when I was reading the recap and realized I had completely forgotten about the Luke plot because they totally ignored it for the 2nd half the

Love how I can't make a critical comment without being jumped on with every ancient "angry nerd" argument in the book. "You can't criticize it, it's free!!!!" "If you don't like it, don't watch it!!!!" Sorry if you can't handle that someone doesn't like something as much as you obsessively love it, sperglords.

First: you literally didn't review the episode at all, just talked about whatever was on your mind. Come on dude.

I know, it's so dumb! Like a (slightly more) grown up version of "Again! Again!" from Teletubbies. Let them do their the song from their best performance, their favorite song, I don't know, but really anything but literally the worst possible choice, which is what they do now.

I haven't seen that much Idol, especially later rounds, but has there EVER been a performance at this stage as bad as Haeley's "goodbye" song? Jesus Christ! I realize she really has no reason to try at that point, but…