A Apple

Cannot fucking roll my eyes hard enough.

This is just about the worst, least funny thing I've ever seen!

HE'S A GODDAMN SHLUB that's why!

Come on Leonard, keep doing these please! You're so damn good! No sarcasm.

If you think I just said that then I suggest you continue your first grade education!

This game would be alright if it wasn't 90% horribly annoying characters. And since the game is practically a "visual novel" or whatever, that's sort of a giant problem. Plus, oh boy 5 year old internet meme references in a game! Just what I love!

Sorry but that doesn't sound like a "surprisingly decent" list at all.

Ahahahaha, Jesus fucking christ, and you've only played the demo? You're pathetic, dude. You're literally pathetic. End your own life.

Do you literally defend every review on this site? You realize that's not going to make them hire you, right (though you'd fit right in)?

Hoo boy I sure do love "old" people complaining about not knowing all these newfangled musicians! You're not a walking stereotype of the worst kind of person at all! Nope!

Seems like, from reading your review, this game deserves a lot less than a C+. And I'd agree if it did get less. It's a pretty terrible game.

Hm, well I suggest you shut the fuck up and kill yourself. So I see we're at bit of a crossroads here…

I see you've never heard of opinions. I suggest you try leaving your house sometime?

The problem is the reasoning she used was "Michael has more sales experience" which makes absolutely no sense when you look at the big picture.

Please have yourself checked for autism. Thank you for your time.

…You should leave.

I don't watch this show but just wanted to point out that Cyril Figgis is a cool name. Adios

Surprised no one said Fight Club. That always seems like the ultimate "growing out of it" movie to me.

I haven't really cared about this show for a long time now, it's been a kinda "put on in the background" show, but Jesus tonight's episode was perfect. Hilarious, hilarious stuff.

Glad to see that this show is making kind of a comeback, quality-wise. Hated the last one and the dancing one, and though I liked the Jack Black one it felt a little off. I wasn't sure if it was in a little bit of a decline or if it was just growing off me. This one had a few too many jokes where the punchline