A Apple

Okay but
This episode was alright but it's been bothering me that the main plot point made, like, no sense whatsoever. Michael has more sales experience than Jim? Sure, but he also has WAY more managing experience. And isn't that the more important job anyway? Plus, hasn't he repeatedly been identified as one of the

Hahaha, what the fuck? Reader rating of A after 9 votes? I'm being punk'd, aren't I.

You're pretty defensive about this, huh? Very mature from a person who is 30 and is paid to write for a website! I'm impressed.

Really? You aren't anti-hipster? Because you sure are repeating the same retarded cliches about it that bitter internet nerds have been spouting for the last ~5 years…

No you're right that was pretty clearly the implication.


Seriously, I can't stress enough that Zack is right, YEEEEEEEEEEES and everything about how the moment was shot and performed is the cheesiest/worst moment in the history of the show. Literally.

What a fucking horrible ending, from the YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES (ugh) onward. Way to ruin an average-to-good episode.

Google ad was unintentionally hilarious because apparently that guy would be completely unable to function in life without Google. Also if you didn't see the ending coming, I hate to break it to you, but you're literally retarded.

Whatever, Christina Aguilera, Jennifer Lopez…all the same really.

Be honest, did you actually watch the show? Sudekis didn't play the emperor, that was Will Forte, and Christina Aguilera isn't hosting next week. Good to know that this site sets such high standards.

Yeah seriously. It's ridiculous (but expected) how many people on the Internet are - surprise! - extremely socially awkward, and then of course they need to come up with some explanation for why everyone in real life hates them and I guess Asperger's is the first thing that comes to mind. It's funny, really.

Fun fact: 90% of all posts on the internet start with "As someone with Asperger's,"

Thanks, guy-who's-totally-not-that-same-guy-with-a-different-name-filled-in!

Think I figured out what one of my biggest problems with the episode was - that the B-plot revolved around people making "clever" comments during movies which will always, always, always be super awkward and unfunny instead of clever. Yeah, when Pierce was doing it was supposed to be awkward of course, but when

Ahaha, wow, you're not only a child but you're stalking me through a website! Could you be any more pathetic, dude? (No)

Do people even know what pretentious means anymore or they just use it as a synonym for "I don't like this thing"? (It's the second one)

If your glasses need to be cleaned every half hour either you're constantly sticking your head in dirt or you have the greasiest face of all time.

PS, Trakball: If "random" is a positive descriptor to you, you might just be a 12 year old girl. Just saying that, you know, your opinion of the show is completely invalid.

Personally I just think it's precious that some of you guys care so deeply about how other people choose to dress.