A Apple

Actually Cafe Disco is the worst episode of The Office.

Haha, right, I'm the "dbag" when you're the one childishly calling people names out of nowhere when we're trying to have a reasonable discussion. Back to the playground with you, little one.

Pretentious, Hipster, Irony…you guys are truly on the cutting edge of satire here. Hilarious stuff.

Yeah, you're right, not liking one show out of NBC's lineup sure was disappointing. What?

You must be a real treat yourself if you feel such a strong need to defend amateur writers on the internet!

Oh boy, if there's one thing I just fucking love it's "funny randomness." What are you, a 14 year old girl who shops at Hot Topic?

No, I don't think I'm wrong that this is the first episode I've thought that about. I think I know my opinions better than you do, internet commenter.

Ha ha ha! It's funny because it's homophobic. Nice one brah!

Everything at Tom's apartment was great. As was the town hall meeting scene, but those are always fantastic pretty much.

Great, twice in one review that Nathan can't fucking stop talking about himself! Really setting new standards for great writing there buddy.

I love Community but this episode kinda blew. But I think this is the first episode I've thought that about so, still, pretty good record.

Ah yes, latching on to one thing and refusing to acknowledge anything else, the hallmark of A PERSON ON THE INTERNET who's realized they're wrong and have nothing else to say.

No, I'm sorry, playing a gentleman older time does not automatically make it Mad Men inspired. Not sure why you'd think that exactly.

So too many of the sketches leaned on his Mad Men character…you mean the exactly one they did the entire night that was at the beginning of the show?

I understand you're upset about your terrible nerdy-ass show being canceled but try to calm down.

How the fuck is this show still on? Hasn't it been canceled for like a year now?

Yeah keep it going, Nathan. You're not fooling anyone.

Please, AV Club, I'm begging you. Stop doing reviews of games. Just stop it. I don't think I've ever seen a review here that's not just a long string of factual errors. Then the inevitable flood of nerds pointing out every single thing you got wrong. It's a joke. Stop it.

Yeah, I'm sure he was talking directly to you. You're not completely delusional at all.

Great, great review. Pretty perfectly summed up this whole thing and how idiotic a lot of these "Team Conan" people who are protesting and stuff are acting. Agreed on all counts. It's really not as big a deal as it might seem when you're cooped up on the internet, everyone!