A Apple

It actually does prove that the show is a poorly-written, horrible over-acted piece of shit, but yeah you're right, other than that it doesn't really prove anything.

So wait
You guys realize this show is really, really terrible, right?

Seriously. It's not that Sudekis is all that bad, at least I'm pretty sure…but they just use him for everything, and on top of that, he's about the blandest goddamn guy ever.

Please, Nathan, for the love of God, shut the fuck up about ME ME ME in all your articles already. At this point you've become a parody of yourself.

"Grammatically correct" doesn't always mean good writing, yo. I bet you're one of those people who only likes bands who are "technically proficient" with their instruments too, despite playing shitty music.

Tell me more about this Jerry Sienfeld…

"everything that's NOT that that it"

Hannibal Buress, John Mulaney, and "guy who plays Lutz" sightings all in one episode! That alone puts it above a lot.

Awkward face covering sighting! When Claire saw the women Phil was mackin' on in the hospital and he did it. One of my favorite running gags ever.

WILL Nathan Rabin ever write an article without mentioning himself in some fashion…? Maybe next decade…

Hah, says the guy who's commented on this post about 50 times since it went up. Don't you have something better to do than tell everyone your opinion about games online?

Uh, not really? Demon's Souls I can understand, maybe, since it has a small but completely delusional fanbase (such as yourself, apparently) but Brutal Legend is on barely any because, like I said, it's terrible.

Nope, not funny.

Can you guys just stop writing about games please? I'm not even that serious about them and even I know you're full of shit. Brutal Legend and Demon's Souls are just straight up terrible games and don't belong on any "best of" list.

So, Jason, instead of watching a bunch of crappy TV you're going to read a ton of shitty books? Not sure I really understand your methodology here…

Most people who don't spend all their time on the internet posting angry comments do, actually.

You're part of the problem.

Yeah, but who had the most wins? That's right, Kevin. He was the best chef, plain and simple.

I've only watched this show for the last 3 seasons, but has the most deserving chef EVER won?

Funny how this exact same movie came out a couple months ago except with vampires replaced with zombies and all you retards fawned over it…