A Apple

Funny how this exact same movie came out a couple months ago except with vampires replaced with zombies and all you retards fawned over it…

You guys sure are defensive of some person you don't even know! Just keep on insulting me and proving you have nothing to actually back up your side. ;)

Not bullshit if it's true, anonymous guy! Thank you so much for your input though.

Great. Another "review" on this site that just summarizes the whole episode in one rambling, boring block of text. Real great job Donna! I'm not completely shocked you still have a job or anything! Nope, not at all! You know, I hate the stereotypical teenage, bitter-he-can't-get-a-date, misogynist internet male

"The above article makes no mention of Elliot playing Kardashien — she played Christina Hendricks in the monologue."

No, you're wrong.

Abby Elliot didn't play Kardashian, and this episode deserves a lot less than a C-. And I'm a huge SNL apologist.

I know it wasn't done intentionally since they work on writing these shows for a while, but I couldn't help but notice a ton of jokes literally identical to other shows' recent episodes in this one. There was a SNL joke from a couple weeks ago, I can't remember what it was but it was early on in the episode. Then

There's also the fact that Dollhouse is a pretty fucking terrible show.

Well at least finally the retards who keep screaming "STOP COMPARING THIS SHOW TO AD!!! ARGH!!!!" were proven wrong once and for all when this joke literally exactly copied a whole scene from AD. (when Phil's son helps him sell the house)

Pretty hilarious that one game review this week criticizes a game for being too much like something else (that it's actually not like at all), and yet this game is praised despite being literally a combination of all the Japanese RPG stereotypes ever. FINALLY a "steampunk" game that prominently features airships!

There's a difference between having genuine criticisms with a, granted, flawed but still great game and just making shit up to be controversial. The latter is true in this case. Not exactly surprising that an AV Club review of something is terrible though!

It just seems like, you know, they call it a "review" after all…they should at least give SOME of their own opinion in there. I know how they do reviews normally, it's just that this one in particular bothered me because I've never seen one that was so shamelessly summary-only.

What the fuck is this? Is this what qualifies for reviews now? Literally all you did was summarize the episode. I wouldn't have even known this was supposed to be a "review" if it didn't have the obligatory A- at the top.

I love this show, but this episode was kind of bullshit all around.

This show's just another boring, generic crime drama procedural, it definitely doesn't need to be covered. It just tries to fool people into thinking it's different by saying "look at all the NERD CRED we have! There's that guy from Firefly! And we're referencing comic books!! WOOOOOO!!!!!"

And by the way, you're way off. The funniest moments were by far the more crazy ones, like being pulled over for the napkins and peeing on Jesus. I really think you don't get this show at all.

They can't even pay attention to the show they're watching, I don't think it's very surprising that they don't seem to "get" the show as a whole either.

I love how you say at the beginning that realism doesn't matter in comedy (I've been saying this for weeks now as you guys are bitching and moaning about things being "unrealistic"), then go on to list all the elements you found unrealistic. Who gives a shit? Stop it already.

I dunno
I dunno, man, it seems like you're pretty set on not liking this show now, no matter what it does.