
So the Cincinnati edition is off the table, then, huh?
Bummer. I'll uncross my fingers now.

Cannonball Run III?
Off the agenda.

It's like my world is upside-down and sprouting daisies. Today will be a good day.

I never thought I'd say this, but I'm with Hot Dogs.

I liked how Liz's hair blew when it was Lutz's turn.

If Ryan did, he and Angela could hook up! Now *that* would be something!

I think that when the button stopped being pushed altogether and the failsafe key was turned, allowing Widmore's team to find the island, *that* changed what had happened before, and therefore "the rules" changed. That's when Des started seeing Charlie die, and kept him alive long enough to open radio contact between

Widmore changed the rules, so we're out of whatever time loop we were all stuck in before. Now the war can begin.

The Muppets Take Manhattan.
When they're all singing "Saying Goodbye" and going their separate ways.

The Show Was Running on "Green Power"
Yeah, me too, Zulkey. It makes all this nonsense much more palatable.

SD gets a pass and a second chance for Backbeat. Haven't seen it? See it. Even if you don't like the movie, which I do, the soundtrack is killer.

Ilana, et al have to be Widmore's people coming back to set the stage for the war. We know he's been involved with Ellie and has been trying to get back. Once his people are there, they can reactivate the beacon that the sub needed to find the island, or some such thing, and this shit can play out. Yessssss.

I believe it's "Han Solo".
Unless he's Swedish and I didn't catch that the first several thousand times. God, I'd feel bad in that case.

Things that happen *do*, regardless of anyone's attempt to alter them (Ellie's explanation of the guy in the red shoes, Des's attempts to save Charlie, etc.). *How* they happen is what can be altered.

Jack wakes up in bed with Suzanne Pleshette… Zombie Suzanne Pleshette who devours his brain. Obviously.

When Sayid burst out laughing at the end of the interrogation scene, I laughed right along with him. Priceless scene.

Can we pull the digital music files if we shell out for the DVD version, or would we need to get the CDs, too, if we kept it on the up and up?

I second that emotion.

Oh, Lord. The Wall Of Death is the sweetest of all pit moves. How dare they hippify it? How? Dare? They?

Man, I *hate* Jack.