
Did a child come up with that recipe?
Seriously, it's like a first grader designed their own cake. Awful.

Palace Songs - "Hope" is another gem. That and "Days" are off the chain. They'll get you through the rough patch.

You must read the autobiography.
"Cash" by Johnny Cash (Duh). It reads like those liner notes stretched into a book. It's fantastic.

@Roneesh Get off my lawn! Dang kids.

We are all, apparently, very, very old.

I felt like it was just starting to find its footing. Too bad.

But, but, but…
Nobody will make a follow-up if nobody buys the first one.

I'm looking for a "Remember The Time"-era nose. Perhaps one that smelled Eddie Murphy.

When I picture the lizard-god, it looks a lot like the giant iguana in One Million Years B.C.

Those are my top 2 qualifications for friends, so I don't see the problem.

And the tea-kettle!!! Have you guys seen that tea-kettle?!

I'll take the nose.
What? 50? 60 bucks?

I guess I have brain damage. It's been a long five years.

Okay, the rope led through the water to the Looking Glass, yes, but it also led through the jungle and into the ground, through the Dark Territory, did it not? It seemed like the rope went out into the jungle when Sawyer was left holding it. It wasn't just curled up on the ground.

Yes, indeedy, corn cobs.

The Rope!
The rope from the well is the rope that leads into the ocean and into the ground from way, way back. I was excited to see it come back.

When Jin said "because" it through me right out of the show. His English skills would be at the point where he'd use that.

Indeed. Stockwell forever!

Glowing Handheld Polygon Thing
Who thought Nina was gonna hit it a few times and then disappear through a door made of light because she had to go talk to Ziggy about what Olivia needed to do to leap?

I agree with Fhtagn. Obviously, he doesn't believe in himself because, well, *look* at him. At heart, though, he is an entertainer, not a comic or singer, even though, really, he can sing pretty damn well. He has a far better voice than a lot of these plastic Karaoke Nite hosts, so let him entertain, and let America