
Tell me more
About Kate Winslet's breast-feeding techniques.

Why does Cordelia get so freaking offended when Naveen and the other hyena girls rip on her? Does she just have low self-esteem or what?

Are you somehow insinuating that dragons are gay? On what dragon-centric porn are you basing this theory?

Rank 'Em
Reign of Fire
Dragon World
The Dragonlance animated feature that was recently released on DVD.

And Rowdy Herrington, the director of "Roadhouse," can officiate.

I second the yodeler game nomination. Let's move to committee.

Inner City Basketball Net
I wonder what Daisy's hymen looks like.

Demon Knight
I read somewhere that Thomas Haden Church's nipples smell like Jimmy Dean sausage.

pop quiz, hotshot
Isn't that the little kid from "Phantasm", all grown up?

I, also, thought the gore was particularly well-written in the book. I haven't read sloppy carnage like that since The Rising. What up with the gore, Scott? Or are you the type of critic who reviews porn without mentioning the titties?

I like it when they all read the Tyra Mail in unison. It totally smacks of "Village of the Damned".

Fan Letter
That Roald Dahl reference was effing funny.

Poor Mark
I'll bet that Chapman just read this review online in the Attica Media Center and is now totally cheesed off. I'm so glad I'm not his agent right now.

Reading this "interview" was like watching "Chariots of Fire".

After Skinwalkers, there's nowhere to go but up. Maybe they can get Jaime Alexander for the Doomsday sequel.

"Running Scared" with Paul Walker.

Thanks, A/V Club. Seriously, you guys are the tits.

Certs Superfan
Isn't "Retsyn" spelled with a "Y"?

Clean is a relative turn
I could be wrong here, but I thought that in the first episode I heard one of the girls say, "We're all clean, we've got nothing to worry about," or something to that effect, which led me to believe that they were all rigorously tested before the show. Not that the skank factor is removed,