
No tree rape?
I liked that scene in the novel and was honestly hoping it would make it into the final cut. Oh well. There's always "The Guardian"*

Zombie Progression
When is "MySpace Page of the Dead" coming out?

Sounds enticing
But I'm waiting for the sequel to "How She Move" (working title: "Now She All Up In Here Talkin' Shit and Dancin'") coming out in '09

So, if this is finally opening, I guess that means I'll no longer experience Hayden's expressionless mug popping up in the middle of first-run television programs, or taking over a Serena Williams computer commercial. Too bad, the crossover advertising was really doing it for me.

Ah I see. I actually picked up the subtleties, but I assumed the Greeks were talking about dealing with Marlo separately from the co-op, not overtly referring to the offing of Prop Joe. Did you guys immediately realize that's what Marlo was getting at, or are you simply applying logic with the benefit of hindsight?

Skank Humor
"missed school the day they taught that reality show ho-bags can be really bitchy."

The Greeks.
Marlo says that The Greeks are cool with the death of Proposition Joe, but I didn't get that indication at all. Did I miss a line of dialogue or something?

As a Salt Lake City native, I've been to the Sundance Film Festival for 6 of the past 11 years. I remember the excitement that accompanied a screening of Chasing Amy or Donnie Darko, but any pre-festival enthuisasm has faded away the last several years. The festival is too crowded, too commercialized, and no

She's no Robin Williams
Come on, Linda! Why didn't you bring the funny?