
Agreed, plus I hope the show never loses the looks/always happening silent conversation between Jughead and Betty. That was just so much to fun to watch.

The casting of the adults in this show is just glorious — it's a whose who of "pulpy teen nonsense of yore" and they're all invested. Luke Perry. Skeet Ulrich. It's just great.

Agreed. I think it may also be the first CW show that has ever had winter!

Ok, well this is good — because I'm about to argue with you on the meta lengths and the reality lengths and also not disagree with you. So yeah, let's do this.

Okay, you're all killing me!!

Agreed, I thought the reviewer missed a mark — the whole point of this is that she's a thinly written character. All her and Dev have in common is a love of pasta and a dissatisfaction with their life. It's perfectly shallow because that's all they are.

No. And when you're on the couch, eating chinese food, and she looks like a million bucks, you question your life choices and your absolutely delicious moo shu pork.

Ha, I literally had the thought 'Master of None is showing off that Netflix budget to pull in a heavy like Angela Bassett' only to be sadly faced with the reality that she probably jumped at the chance to play a character that is actually nuanced and realistic.

I love that the show dropped the usual lush, and this season's gorgeously-shot autumn and winter in New York and instead went straight inside, to the magazine-papered bedrooms, dark wood and cheap 80's/90's furnishings of apartments back then. The production team on this show deserves a lot of credit.


Really, I had to watch it again as I didn't figure it all out until about half way in the first viewing so I missed a lot of the emotional impact.

Me, during peak X-Files (mid to late 90's): You know how you think there's no way you could love Gillian Anderson more than you do, right now?

I'm not an Echo fan but even I was marveling at how great Echo's face paint in the Space helmet looked. Such a great visual.

Bob Morley is the best — the balance of tough, warrior guy and vulnerable, big heart is not easy to pull off but he makes Bellamy work and make sense. But is he getting bigger and his voice deeper every episode? Maybe it's just the handsomeness/Keanu Reeves thing that distracts me but still . . . he's getting bigger

God, this makes me want a Michael Bay fan-edit of this finale on Youtube. With several Aerosmith songs.

Seriously, how did people not always love Murphy? He's one of the best characters on television.

I'm exactly true to the demographic and a night owl. I've seen a lot. Some favorites:

Yep, this is guy who said "I just wish Katrina had only hit the United Nations building, nothing else, just had flooded them out, and I wouldn't have rescued them" and "you know, look, if I could strangle these people and not go to hell and get executed, I would, but I can't" about his critics but really, he's just a

I've wanted a Supernatural crossover many, many times — when Arrow was good, every time Murphy is on the 100, Gilmore Girls reboot, The Tick reboot, The X-Files reboot. This though, this was worth the wait. It's also exactly the type of decision you want a show that's been on since the 1930's to be making. Awesome.

So, she's a dog . . .