
How is Strahan so popular?

Ok, I agree with you about overexposure — because seriously: does the world need this much Ryan Seacrest? Are we so lost to banality that we need the most vanilla person in the world on every airwave possible?

The funny thing is that I think Trump has the same feeling. Not in the self-aware way, but in the 'wait, America is not a private company that lets me do what I want without recourse way?'

At my subway stop, there's a poster for all the acts at Forest Hills Stadium this summer/fall. Each morning I read — Interpol doing 'Turn on the Bright Lights' in its entirety and the next date is The National. And each morning, I get giddy about seeing both of these shows. It's my happy place on my commute.

El Vy crept up on me as well — but I think it was designed as that.

I want to judge but I had the exact same reaction —- JUST SO EXCITED. SPARKLES, BALLOONS AND WATER SLIDES FOR EVERYONE!!

It was a helluva day at sea, CerseiLannister.

Alasdair said it best last week. To paraphrase — when you're in scenes with Oliver, it's always going to be about Oliver.

Ha, I did the same. I was driving back with friends from a concert in New York and they asked me what I thought was the best song they had never heard about New York and I played 'Fairytale of New York' —- they heard that first line 'It was Christmas Eve, man, in the drunk tank' and told me to turn it off.

I'm a ridiculous Pogues fan. I'm a ridiculous David Simon Fan. If this gets done, I AM THERE.

Ahh, you're right! I scrolled back up and reread.

Making her another cop and not the mistress is promising too!

He oughta, oughta, oughta know not to embezzle funds

I love it.


You know, maybe Kramer is right, some people should just give up .

Bannon's a total alcoholic — you can tell by his nose and his complexion.

thank you

