
Thanks, how do you do that? (Not commenting but formatting)

Conspiracy theory: It's why Spicey jumped on the sword and said he was wrong.

While here, let's talk about Tina Fey's blurb for Donald Glover in Time's 100. Which is great, but becomes awesome when she writes: "But as any good millennial knows, when your creation ('Atlanta') wins 10-plus major awards, you don’t rush into Season 2. You step back, take a breath and just, like, be Lando Calrissian

He's not your father?

O'Reilly just got a $25 million dollar pay-out and is probably first in line to be the next "special advisor" to Trump.

There's no way of saying this right (italicized, bold 'The AVClub') but he or his persona thought the massacre at Sandy Hook never happened — that, I don't even know, but really —- no, I have nothing. Fuck this guy.

Well of course. Maybe the modern guys/gals at Brio can explain it for us.

I've always wondered if the line "never meet your heroes" goes both ways. Now, my rule of thumb is — never approach your heroes unless you have something you want to ask them. If you don't, just stay in the back and chill. It's better to stay in the dark when it comes to appreciating art and artists.

About that lyric — 'of course I've had it in my ear before cause I have a lust for life' —- it's not the ear part that's odd, it's the 'of course' part that's always thrown me. 'Of course' — wait, what again?

I know, I'm so damn tempted to do this. Admittedly, I'm not the biggest fan of his films but god I love him. I mean . . . “Good bad taste is celebrating something without thinking you’re better than it… Bad bad taste is condescending, making fun of others.” Who wouldn't want to listen to him/be a part of his scene for

THIS. I haven't listened to the whole album but 'Humble' or 'HUMBLE.' is something that deserves to be listened to or watched (it's a beautiful music video).

You're right. It did. But then you could argue everything in literature, including comics/graphic novels, depends on interstices.

Except Woody Allen.

"I see your face every time we meet"

I loved her in 'Contagion' — seriously though, that character is my hero.

Alice looking back at Magua and then out at the horizon will always be my favorite scene in any Michael Mann film I will ever watch.

Fancyarcher is right and right to check me. But the state of public schools in Vermont is worrisome. They're up against some serious cuts and then who knows what will happen.

You asked me if I was a Vermonter. I said yes. Then you responded — what the hell did I do that was rhetorical??

Yeah, I agree. Definitely. Vermont is my heart. I can't help but take anything about it personally.

It is definitely a predominately white state. But that doesn't mean that other cultures don't live here. Some of my closest friends growing up were Korean, Vietnamese and Chinese