
Clarke is the most intelligent but she can definitely go ice queen. I love her but she's an ice queen, nasty in the best way. Bellamy is a total puppy.

I actually sort of love that Bellamy, out and out, will never trust the Grounders. Nor will he ever get over being part of the lower class on the Ark. Bellamy has a pretty massive chip on his shoulder and it makes him do some pretty dumb things (think of the culling in season 1).

One thing I love about the show is that it shows a lot of pretty cw actors and actresses in violent situations but rape never comes up. So refreshing. I'd be pretty happy if rape was never brought in.

I'm just so happy Bellamy is a character again, I'm willing to forgive a lot. The show works well when they play off him and Clarke. Those two uniting is like Ripley and Hicks in Aliens. I just hope the show stays small and lets us go back to community dynamics rather than "here's a problem, here's an impossible

Pay attention to the word 'fair.'

As opposed to what you're doing.

If anything, I've realized that people just want to help their corner of the world. So as much as the Internet wants to connect everything, it hasn't done that, because people still want their immediate, real community to be better.

"Dame" is British for broad —- except the Brits have a formal appointment of it while the US deigns it on those who stand tall and fight like hell.

Amen. I often wonder what the world would be like if people, men and women, could share their mind and run with it without being an asshole. If they tried to use their intelligence to the limit of it.

'Nasty' comes to mind. I'm still trying to come to terms with that word and why so many people have latched on to it. It's not ideal but if there's some part of it that means strength, independence and holding true to what you have to say — then I'll take it for men and women.

All I hope is that there are still 'broads' in every generation — because that word to me has always had power. Long before feminist, there was a broad. A smart, awesome lady who could hang in there with anyone - diplomats, celebrities, various predators, magicians, fictional rogues, real people.

There's a difference between being demoralized and being indifferent. You can give in, or you can fight. Let's fight.

I don't believe that. I don't believe we need to lose because we, as a country, made one wrong decision. If anything it means we have to fight harder, fight smarter.

Ok, I am —- I just don't like works being appropriated. Why are we denying good art from anyone??

Fuck that, you'd see Harris Wittels.

Okay, maybe I don't understand. What is this new reality?

It's not about that yet. Trump is playing the media while making his cabinet. What I will never understand is how he's playing us all. Trump is not smart. He's just a follower. So how the hell is he dictating where America will go?

What I find funny about resistance to Trump is that there are sooo many Republicans who hate Trump but yet they won't challenge anything in statutory law —-

Just be happy that it is!! BECAUSE IT IS.

I haven't read any of the reviews but just the basics of that movie seem flawed — who casts Chris Pratt and Jennifer Lawrence in a sci-fi drama? They're two of the most relatable, comedic actors out there. Now you're going to put them in space, dress them in boring white space suits and make them feel things rather