
On this, I had a lot of hope for The X-Files reboot until I saw the episode titles.

Good call on 'It's Always Sunny'!!!

I couldn't believe Downtown Abbey is still getting awards this year for acting when you have Catriona Balfe in 'Outlander' and Eleanor Tomlinson in 'Poldark' just killing their parts.

I need Mantzoukas to show a little more range because Pimento is exactly, exactly Rafi from 'The League.'

Oh yes, although you could call it a beach towel. Either way, it's a mighty fine towel that I love to pieces.

Oh god, one of my favorites. 'Start a War' and 'About Today' still wreck me, no matter how many times I listen to them.

Okay. Long time fan who never thought she would have to post this: But their bath towels are really good. And high quality.

"I still owe money to the money I owe" is also a big one/great one with them.

And yet, a power player in Exxon/Russia and legitimate paper clip attached to him, the truly evil John Bolton, are now up for Secretary of State and Deputy Secretary of State . . .

Here's a tip California:

I can't watch rape at all. From Outlander to Game of Thrones to the The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, it all sickens me as it's always done with a level of voyeurism about it. 'The Americans' is a whole other level — in so many ways, it gets it right and it's never about the act but the lasting impact on the characters

My best friend and I live a few states away from each other. The way we bond over the distance? We watch 'I Know Who Killed Me' on mute while we talk and try and guess who the murderer is strictly from the production values. It's a special, wonderful experience.

'A Crime to Remember' is THE BEST.

Best band to come out of this feature: Eagulls.

Thanks for this! No word on whether it was the one they intended in 2000-2005 though.

I always liked the plotline in the show where Rory starts flailing, joins the DAR and is basically awful until Jess shows up and basically tells her she's not a Stepford Wife so she better get her act together. And then she does.

In all of the coverage, I'm trying to find out one thing (going to make this purposefully vague so to avoid spoilers) —

I really wish we could somehow hire Bill Hader to come back as Stefon and read each of these names.

All I know about Annette Benning is that she's managed to do what she wants do and act in the role she seems to want to act. She's done that for herself.

As a viewer, who is just a viewer, I can tell you the calendar: