
Affleck would be such a pussy about it too — you know he wouldn't show up to anything, he's just that guy. But the entire cast - Michelle Williams, the son (so good), and everyone else would not just show up for their awards but the picture itself and Lonergan who sooo deserves it.

I remember an Oscar's ceremony awhile back where they gave some sort of lifetime award to Dustin Hoffman and he got up and said something to the effect of 'does this mean you want me to retire?' — I always loved that.

Has he said where he's going to speak first?? Because I can take the White House but if he goes anywhere near the Lincoln Memorial, I will spend the entire day vomiting.

I actually love Jan-March because it's when the studio's give up on pictures that are challenging and drop them. But every now and then, you get something amazing. To wit — Zodiac was released on my birthday (March 3rd) and it was effing Zodiac.

Yep, I have no respect for Casey Affleck.

British Independent Film Awards were tonight and I think they chose 'Moonlight' as the best foreign film as well.

Totally agree. I got a free subscription to this last year. For awhile I didn't read it. I mean, I'm in my 30's. I should be nowhere near Teen Vogue. But a few profiles on young women running charities got me and I've been semi-hooked ever since. It's such an inclusive magazine and I love that they interview people

What are you arguing?

Yes, you're right, it was in the article. But read through the damn article.

Can you cite your source?

wait — what?? the whole point of the press release is that bertolucci and brando decided, before the shoot, to violate her with a stick of butter.

I love 'The Shining' (and also 'The Shinning') so I've read and heard a lot about both.

The statue of limitations has expired, in the US at least.

They didn't. They wanted her to be a girl not an actress. Who knows what they wanted Marlon Brando to be.

One of my all-time favorite scenes in film is Brando playing with Eva Marie Saint's glove in 'On The Waterfront.' Being said, as much he ad-libbed one of the most tender moments on screen, he and Bertolucci ad-libbed a truly brutal moment that I wanted not to be, in any forms, true.

DON'T SAY THESE THINGS IN 2016. I want Carpenter for as long as we could have him - for the synth, for the films, for the memories.

You know, of all the terrible things that could happen in this project, Frank Stallone showing up would actually be not just totally welcome but also pretty hilarious.

Ugh, so many of the 'auteur' films are. In honesty, there's parts of the screenplay I liked — specifically the power plays between them and how it ends. As a film though, it's mostly just Brando in his obese, drunken, entitled phase and an ingenue living a Lars Von Trier horror-show of being an actress.

Okay there Wyatt Earp, way to shoot before I could edit. But I did edit and mean Shelley Duvall.

Submitted also for your consideration: Shelley DuVall in 'The Shining'