
Yep, I definitely did my time in shoddy warehouses in SF/Oakland in my early twenties. As much as I loved some of those nights, it's hard not to want it to change for the safer after something as horrific as this happening.

Ugh, damn you Matt Damon. I loved you. But between this and his tone-def comments recently, I just can't anymore . . . F*ck 2016.

He's not. He didn't rape a woman while she was unconscious.

Agreed. But it's interesting right — both are people who have sexually attacked females (though legally Parker is acquitted and Affleck's have only been alleged). While Parker's resulted in rape, that does not mean what Affleck did was any way less of a harm. Nate Parker's acquittal was all over the news, including

I read the complaints through a news site — from my memory, it was two producers that he came on to in very aggressive, very wrong ways. I don't remember if there was a neck incident in the complaints but that could be in there too.

Yeah, go read the harassment complaints against him. That'll fix that quick enough.

He kind of psychologically tortures female staff on set. Also there's some weird sexual stuff with Joaquin Phoenix. It's all disturbing and alleged, but if it really is false, who the hell could make that stuff up? And how did a couple of people make up the exact same stuff?

Not to mention, boooyyy howdy has there been a difference in the media's treatment of Nate Parker and Casey Affleck. . .

What I hate is that the Washington Post and New York Times are duped too. For the love of god, START REPORTING. I'm so sick of reading articles that are reported by Mrs. MacMurray's 8th grade class rather than tried and true journalists.

Oh, so glad you have so many kids interested! I should have known . . .

As an American, yep the Oroborus is eating its tail because the Greatest Generation just voted in a dictator (Trump) that has the same attributes of one they spent overthrowing (Hitler) which named them the greatest in their minds.

I'm pretty sure man/woman can look down at things.

Only if you're looking at it from the side, an arched one at that. If you look at it from above, it's a circle.

I'm just going to admit being an idiot — I get the reference, 'True Detective', and I kind of got the philosophies in the show, but I still do not get what a flat circle is and how it relates here. Does it mean there is no plane greater than this life — that it's just an existential realm where we, as creators, go

Random rant: My favorite NYC radio station was celebrating albums that crossed the 40 million mark today. First it was 'Thriller', then 'Rumors', a few down the line was 'The Bodyguard Soundtrack.'

For his lyrics? If so, I can see it. If not, then I'm going to have to study up on him.

Thank you Janet! How many kids, on average, are participating?? (To figure out how many books to send).

I'd like to donate to this initiative directly as I'm a big local community library supporter. Can you tell me the name of a library supporting it? Maybe I can send books to them. There's been a great few published recently — I was thinking 'Finding Wild', which is about city kids finding nature wherever they are.

I don't say this lightly but I would quit my job if she decided to run so I could work on her campaign.

Upvoting is not enough. So I have to comment: SAME!!