
We can be too!

So this is what it sounds like when doves cry?

Why is calling someone a white supremacist a bit much? They actually are okay with being called that, so why aren't we??

Shit, you're right.

No, he's right. Hock is slang but it means to trade or sell.

I still can't believe that no one in his camp ever even watched 'The West Wing.' If they had, they'd at least know the basics. Jesus — we're entrusting our nation not to the best and brightest, nor to the ones who read Cliff Notes, but the ones who couldn't even be bothered to watch the movie/tv show of it!!

Just keep repeating to yourself: path to impeachment, path to impeachment because nothing about what they're planning makes any sort of sense.

(ugly cries)

Shouldn't this be titled: 'Good Job, Katie Roseman' for tweeting this bs?

Emily Doe! Emily Doe!

I wish Joker had been the only villain in 'The Dark Knight Rises' and Harvey Dent had just been the white knight, with the next movie having him be Two Face because he was soooo good as alternate-Christian-Bale/ white knight. Also, isn't a great alternate-Batman someone whose hopeful, believes in things and figures

I remember at one point he angled for the job. From the whole email debacle, I know one email had that at one point it was down to Kaine, Warren or him. My only theory about why they picked Kaine is that they were afraid Sanders or Warren could outshine Hillary. That seems like usual establishment-politics short sight.

I still can't pick him out of a crowd.

I think her biggest mistake was not letting him be her VP. With her practicality and his no f-cks given, it could have been amazing. He's a domestic agenda guy, she's a foreign policy heavy-hitter. He's a movement-creator, she's a promise-keeper. They could have split the travel as they had equal celebrity. Wisconsin

The worst part is that it's the same news over and over again. At one point during the election I was in Toronto for work. I read a Canadian paper and a US paper daily. In the Canadian paper, they spent 5 days going through the pro and con's of a possible cannabis policy, explaining everyone's positions thoroughly. It

I disagreed when Zuckerberg called it a technology company. Facebook does not exist to sell software. That's not its product. If anything its product are the profiles and the revenue it gets by exposing the people who write those profiles to ad and other revenue sources. In that case, it's no different than any online

Can't he stay in if he declares war? I'm sure Canada would be a pal and let us declare war on them for 4 years. It'd be fun and then we wouldn't have to worry about actual war.

If he opens a defamation case, he opens up discovery — and then all of this, everything he did, becomes evidence.

I'm not saying only one group lives in a bubble. I'm saying that we're all in a bubble and that's the problem.

You're right. But if I believe in acceptance, truly, then it's not just about one gender, one race, it's about all of us.