Oy my Bagina Hurts

That would be an appropriate time to re-release the single, "Like a Virgin." Capitalize on that rape, I always say.

OK, I see now that you and I have slightly different views of this show, kicking222. I think that both episodes were equally hilarious, although this might change on repeat viewings. I am right, you are wrong.

Hymen, broken.

You should shut the fuck up if you know what's good for you.

Why no cup?

"… it still seems bigger than mine — and I’m living in a pretty much equivalent type of space…"

2 Broke Girls, 1 Cup

Mr. Gay Man, what do your people watch?

There was no way that was ricin after they have established (several times) that ricin can take a while to work. It would also be difficult to synchronize the death of a dozen men with ricin, I would assume. I am sure a man of Gustavo's calibre could acquire other poisons.

You wrote this in Word?

I'm hoping Dee is a foot whoore the rest of the season.

Todd's review was the best undercover guerilla marketing I've ever read.

I vote for Todd to continue reviewing H8R, and for him to rename it, "Saved by the Bell-End" for the entirety of its run.

Has anyone else seen the Jenny Mcarthy Body Count website? It's glorious. The creator of it needs to go on h8r.

I really think that people are misusing "jump the shark." It has now become synonymous with a show getting bad, but if that were the case then don't most shows "jump the shark?" It was coined because of an episode of Happy Days where the Fonz jumped a shark on his motorcycle; in my opinion, the term doesn't just refer

There's a review? I thought I was reading the script.

I was hoping that this would lead to Skyler going to jail.

Fuck this new commenting system. There, I said it first.

Sharks > Apes
"Here, it's Caesar, a chimpanzee made super-intelligent via a drug Franco developed to reverse the effects of Alzheimer's disease."