Oy my Bagina Hurts

Mmm, Smurf muff.
I bet all my smurfs that smurf muff tastes like smurfberries.

Sometimes when I'm really stoned I have trouble getting an erection.

"If Jesse's skimming, why wasn't his glass at the party blue?"

@ Man Wasting Time At Work

If you seriously thought this episode could have been ten minutes and equally good (or… better?) you're a fucking idiot. And I'm not going to tell you to go watch 2.5 Men because I think people are overly harsh towards that show (this isn't to say I like it).

@ Doc Brown - Maybe if you're in a staggering amount of debt you shouldn't be trying to buy Portishead tickets.

Because the spanking would be the homescreen and then you scroll left for boobies, you see?

That would make a good background for an Android phone.

Tyler, the Homophobe
Do you guys think Tyler is homophobic, or promotes a homophobic message? I ask because I know a couple o' baginas that think this and it really pisses me off.

Maybe he just didn't recognize your blue face and orange background.