Blue brain

Okay *smacks hands together* I know we're all concerned about the imminent Kinjaing, but I've still need some advice. I recently inherited a small amount of money. I give to causes I care about regularly, but I see this as a chance to give some money to some new folks. I was thinking a mix of causes and the arts. Like

Okay *smacks hands together* I know we're all concerned about the imminent Kinjaing, but I've still need some advice. I recently inherited a small amount of money. I give to causes I care about regularly, but I see this as a chance to give some money to some new folks. I was thinking a mix of causes and the arts. Like

Okay *smacks hands together* I know we're all concerned about the imminent Kinjaing, but I've still need some advice. I recently inherited a small amount of money. I give to causes I care about regularly, but I see this as a chance to give some money to some new folks. I was thinking a mix of causes and the arts. Like

Dammit, now I've got to threaten my underlings with firings and my loved one with icy disapproval to watch "Westworld" so I have people to talk to. KINJA HAS ALREADY COST ME HOURS OF MY LIFE!!

The answer is always "dragons." This is like when I was a kid watching "Voltron" and thinking, " Why don't they go immediately to Voltron formation?!?" Still, I know its characterization but why does no one wear a hat?!?

That is an actual quote from me on a road trip with my siblings, No we're so far down the rabbit hole, I'm taking my brother to the Atlanta show for his birthday.

God, I love TAZ. I'm kinda bummed the arc is over.

I dated a Brit and took him to a game and explained the 3 strikes, 4 balls thing and he paused and exclaimed *British voice* "Well. That's not very symmetrical!"

It's hard to pitch the podcast "My Brother, My Brother and Me." I usually convert people by saying, "Fuck you, I'm the driver. We'll listen to three goofballs brothers meander around concepts like . . . if there was a wily shark in a swimming pool, would it be glass and would it have have a Cajun accent?"

One of them can be president and then Lord Buckethead would finally get elected Prime Minister, and ooooooohhhh G20 pictures would be glorious.

Have we completely ruled out that we're not in a worldwide piece of performance art?

Yes, but for many, the concept of "woman" has no basis in actual, autonomous human beings.

I'm getting one of those ancestry test for my Trump-voting mom's birthday and there is a not-so-small part of me that hopes it pops up "12% from western Africa" or the like and then sit back to watch the mental gymnastics.

Gonna bet this comment section does not end well.

That's a really interesting map, thanks! You can look at it and name off the towns in your head, "Oh, look, there's Gainesville! . . . Looks like they didn't get out the vote in Albany . . ." etc.

Hold up, we (big city, college towns and pretty much all people of color) don't want him!

I have actively considered a leaflet campaign à la American propaganda drops in East Berlin.

I feel like there's a crisis coming and that, at best, it will result in a new political party or something. I work in Career Services at a large university and I see direct connection between the lack of meaningful, living-wage work available and the nihilistic anger that seems to be a common theme of these racists.

Good for her. If I had a dollar for every time some jackass touched me without consent I'd have, well, some dollars. Doesn't stop me from wishing I could trade those dollars for some nut-punches.

Good night, why is a show now about a couple of queens and one undead king so focused on the decisions of people with penises?!? It's very annoying.