Blue brain

Oh my god, the dirty, dirty things I would do for a man who supported my creative endeavors while doing a strip tease that involved him tossing his clothes into a washing machine . . . It's been fun, Clone Club, hope to see y'all again at the next feminist, sci-fi series with a preternaturally gifted actor as the lead!

If you haven't already, check out "The Bitter Southerner" it's a great "Love the food and arts of the South, hate the racism" website. As someone who shudders whenever thinking of being the descendant of slave owners, it's some interesting stories.

I've got to wonder what happened in my brain chemistry that I actively despise this point of view. My Trump-voting mom is from Richmond, my Virginian grandmother (whom I loved) called it "The War of Northern Aggression" and would wax lyrical about the "race riots" in Richmond and I grew up in Newt Gingrich's

The Persians looked much more fun.

I enjoy this podcast and I am happy about their continued success.

You are correct, however, there is no way to pick a tree-ripe avocado, unlike an apple or what have you . . . which I thought was kinda a nifty trick of evolution.

Fun fact: Avocados don't ripen until they are off the tree. Bonus fact: Papaya trees look like like giant feather dusters (brought to you by three years of living in Mexico.)


Preach. I read the description of the shut down show and thought, "What is this bullshit? If the presidential motorcade had blocked people driving to Florida to visit the grandparents (a state-may I add- I DIDN'T KNOW HAD BEACHES until the age of seven or eight because we stayed inside and played Uno) then maybe I

A co-worker and I always comment "I guess that was finger guns of excellence?" after such drivel, from this great McSweney's entry: https://www.mcsweeneys.net/…

I know fur is murder and all that, but I really love Sansa's fur capelet.

That bleach punishment made no sense. I've been waiting for a flashback of a young Helena watching the bunny boiling scene in "Fatal Attraction" and muttering, "That lady ees super cool" followed by a makeover montage.

Unfortunately, the Financial District is filled to the brim with slightly more chill sociopaths.

I was in the audience of TRL when they had Nelly Furtado and Tiger Woods flogging his video game. I had convinced a friend that it would be funny to go the week before I turned 24 (that was their cut off age) and found it was less funny to have to stand around waaaaaaay in the back row of the bleachers for hours while

"Why. Does. Your. Breath. Smell like. Birdseed?!?"

Well, Rushmore is a troll job for Native Americans, so it wouldn't be 100% inappropriate.

It's the teeth. Fight their hypnotic power.

Hooray! (Gawd, I dislike Paul Hollywood. Go get 'em, lady.)

I feel so bad for Seth Rich's loved ones. You're trying to mourn and the dead fish of today's idiocies keep slapping you in the face.

"Bakewise" by Shirley Corriher is fantastic if (like me) you have ever looked at your baked mess and thought "what did I fuck up now?" You learn the scientific reason your bread sucks. "Cookwise" by her is even better, but was published late 20th century.