
Silverchair - Tomorrow

Don't bother. It looks cool enough but is ridiculously overpriced, with mediocre food and really lousy service. In a country like Japan, where service is #1, that stings the hardest.


I thought that's what we were here for!

Nah, sorry. Due to the prominence of and focus on the noodles, and the fact that the noodles (and all the other toppings) only enter the soup moments before it is served (unlike the other actual "bowls of soup" you mentioned), I don't buy the whole thing being classified as a soup. In practice it's closer to a pasta

Tonkotsu ramen (or any ramen) is not a soup. It's ramen noodles *in* a soup. You don't eat ramen with a spoon, as you might chicken noodle soup.
Ramen is a meal, and a heck of one. Soup, just soup, is not.

Great interview, I think his defense of the musical as a genre is the best, most succinctly put such defense I've ever read. I haven't even seen this yet, but I hope it gets as much love during awards season as was obviously put into it.

This was extremely entertaining, thank you so much!

Absolutely insufferable.

Guy Smiley

No name has ever made me laugh harder than Bob Loblaw.

That's bad.

They had an adult-size one before, as part of a temporary exhibit where they created room-sized sets of various scenes from their movies. I went; it was fluffy and wonderful. I've already been to this museum more times than I can remember, but it looks like another visit will be in order.

Only tangentially related, but at the (Japanese) junior high school I work at, a counselor-type person came and gave an interesting speech last year that used toire no Hanako-san as an example. The talk was about dealing with death, and what she said was, supposing this urban legend started from a real girl named

Went here once with my family, for my seventh birthday. I almost drowned and my mother hit the concrete wall of a slide face-first and got a brutal black eye that lasted for weeks. The legend is real.

Looks like garbage, almost certainly will be garbage. Japanese cinema is a national embarrassment these days, especially the big budget stuff.

Welcome to modern Japanese cinema.

This year's kuro burgers are better. They include hash brown or eggplant toppings, and generally taste a lot better than the ones from last year.

Which, delightfully, is what they call him in Japan, where I first heard the terrible "Hello Seattle." (see above)

I first heard this guy's music played over the PA system during cleaning time at a tiny middle school in suburban Japan where I taught a couple years ago. I thought it was some low-cost dreck given to the school by the textbook company maybe, as a "bonus" gift for buying their crummy English texts. Imagine my shock