
I found the Japanese voicework in this film to be some of the best in any Ghibli film, and a good reason why such a simple story packs such an emotional wallop by the end. I really hope the English voicework maintains that same level of emotional tension, but I kind of doubt it will. It so rarely does.


Also, this movie needed a lot less Alfrid. He's a good example of Jackson's increasingly atonal humor and disconnect from what his audience actually wants to see.

Would've put it in the Spoiler Space if there was one!

Thought this was marginally the best of the three, most of it was pretty exciting. The fight between Elrond and friends and the Nazgul was boss. Otherwise I agree with all this, except…

Hi! I also worked at the Ziegfeld at that time, and was at that premier. I think I know who you are and we may already be friends on fb, but I had to reply to this directly. The main thing I remember from that premier was learning the proper way to pronounce Djimon Hounsou's first name, and being disappointed it…