
Don't you hate pants?

[crickets chirping]

[slide whistle]

Yeah, Pine Barrens too. That episode had me worrying about that Russian for the rest of the series.

Jagger's doctor probably writes a ton of scripts amirite, guys?

Can you please tell me exactly where this line will be?

"Hey fun boys, get a room."

That's great but what'd you think of the trailer?

Nah, they just take him to a strip club.

How about Pope Chester?

Hard not to

You hear that? Bust out the champagne, minorities! Everything's cool now!

No I sent The AV Club a check for $25 and the gave me 10,000 upvotes.

I know it looked like Tommy Lee's penis but I keep telling you: That was just BRUCE WILLIS.

Is your friend Pete Campbell?

I don't think Draper's liver could hold out that long.

Wait this gimmick account doesn't really work because every av club account is a Simpsons Quote Generator.

Was it though?

Did you just "AV Club" your own comment and then complain about lack of effort from other commenters?

-Bill Cosby