
But enough about Dwayne Johnson.

[StarWipes Clickhole]

[A single tear runs down Willie Nelson's cheek]


Anyone else just wanting some actual cherries right now?

I would also like to indicate that I have seen Drive and I am aware of that particular song from the movie.

I don't want it that bad. That just sounds like too much work.

Nah, let's just pick a different 80's montage song. Can we play "You're The Best Around" while I delete work emails without reading them?

"Kim Davis has gone from your ordinary born-again, thrice-divorced civil servant to an international media sensation to an anti-gay political martyr, all by doing absolutely nothing."

He's from the future! Burn him!

Eric Stoltz is amazing in that overdose scene. What's he been up to? Can't remember the last thing I saw him in.

It may be a distant 3rd place to Bad Lieutenant: Port Of Call and punching a woman in the face while wearing a bear costume.

Cool! Those are the two things I do best in life!


Gym membership comes with a standard issue swimsuit to wear in the showers.

Yeah there's a lot of them. You could say we've reached….

"You hava tha canceraids"

[starts designing otter slingshot]

It's a perfectly cromulent name for a TV streaming website.

I'm not familiar with that euphemism.